15. the berman sisters

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okay, one more chapter for now and then i'm going to go write more of 1666 so then i can publish those when the time comes.

Cindy was disgusted when she found Alice and Arnie.

"Um... What are you doing!?" She exclaimed, using her hand to cover them from her view.

"Three guesses." Alice grinned.

"Hey, careful. You don't want to corrupt her virgin ears." Arnie teased and they laughed.

"We have to get everything together for Colour War. And you guys... uh, uh... have to finish cleaning the outhouse." Cindy told them as she stood by the doorway awkwardly.

"We're doing the shit jobs all Summer, and now we have to clean up actual shit? No."

Arnie shook his head from where he was sitting on the couch.

"I'm sorry, but we don't have a choice." Cindy started walking towards Alice.

"Shit." Arnie was holding up a joint. "This is our last one, babe."

He handed it to Alice and Cindy's eyes widened.

"What are you doing?"

"Three guesses."

Arnie started laughing, but Cindy was not amused. She groaned and turned the music off.

"This isn't funny. We- We have a job to do. Alice put that down."

"Or what? What, are you gonna snitch on me again? Blame Y/N too?" Alice chuckled. "Okay. What if you go talk to your little friend Nurse Lane. About getting us some yellow jackets."

"Yes." Arnie said as he flicked through a magazine.

"Or some red birds."


"And then we'll scrub all the shit you want."

"Yellow jackets, red... What?"

"Drugs, baby. Drugs." Arnie looked up at Cindy. "Just hook us up."

"No!" Cindy looked from Arnie to Alice. "No, I won't do that! Some people actually want to do things with their lives. So, stop screwing with mine and just do your jobs, please!"

"Alright, well maybe you should have thought about that before blasting Captain and Tennille for two hours straight." Alice was very close to Cindy's face. "Snitch."

Alice jumped back up onto the bench next to Arnie and put the music back on.

Cindy frowned and stormed out.


She made it outside and turned a corner.


Cindy gasped and looked up to see Kurt.

"Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you. Your sister..." Kurt stopped talking and sniffed the air. "Cindy Berman, that smell better be skunk."

"What about my sister?"


Ziggy walked into the medical building looking for Nurse Lane.

"Nurse Lane! Hello? I'm in trouble again, help." She called out as she opened the door. "Nurse Lane, come on! I could die any minute now."

The girl began walking into the Nurse's office.

"Nurse Lane? Nurse Lane?" Then something on the desk caught Ziggy's eye. An open notebook.

A SOULMATE WHO WASN'T MEANT TO BE; fear street 1994, 1978, 1666 x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now