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Work is dragging and I still haven't heard from Matt. I hear from him though.

"Good morning!"
"Morning. :)"
"How did you sleep? You were in my dreams," he texts, and I smile, knowing it can't possibly be true.
"No, I wasn't."
He concedes, "No, you weren't. But hey, a guy can dream."
"Ha-ha, you're funny."
"I know. It's part of my charm."
"You've definitely got a lot of it," I say. He really does, which is making not falling for him incredibly difficult.
"Do I?"
Yes. "Definitely."
"Well, I'm glad my charm works on someone."
"What do you mean? Does your girlfriend not appreciate it?" I bite my tongue. I know he has a girlfriend. Just like I have Matt. But, I still hate talking about her because it makes the whole thing between the two of us feel less real.

"Not in the least. She's not really into silly."
"How do you guys work then?"
"We've been together a long time. We've been through a lot together. Both good and bad. She helps me a lot with stuff from my past. And I've been there for her too."

I appreciate his honesty about the situation. It's kind of exactly how I feel about Matt. We've just been a part of each other's lives for so long, that it seems ridiculous to let that go and start over fresh with someone completely different.

"I guess that makes sense. Matt and I have known each other a long time. We were friends before, but then we decided to date. So, he knows a lot of my past too."
"Yeah, it's hard when the past is there in the background."
"It really is."

A phone call is trying to come through. It's Matt. I pick it up to talk to him, while hearing my phone vibrate in the background from other messages.

"Hey," is all he says.
"Hi," I say back. "It would have been nice of you to at least send me a message letting me know."
"I was working late with Pete and Tom on that project for the Con. I just lost track of time and stuff," he says without the smallest hint of being apologetic.
"I get that, but still Matt."
"I said I'm sorry," he says in an indignant tone.
"Fine." I am so upset that he just doesn't get it.
He pleads a bit with me. "Don't be mad at me. I'll make it up to you tonight."
"You're still coming to my place, right?"
"Yeah, I guess so," he groans.
"You guess?" I feel fumes starting to sprout from my skull.
"It's just out of the way and everything," he continues to almost whine.
"But you said you would."
"I didn't promise I would. I said I might," he says in a tone that means he wants to end this conversation.
"Well, can you?" I ask.
"Fine," he concedes.

He did say he would come to my place, but I just wish he'd sound more excited about it. It's not that I don't like going to him. I mean I don't love it. But that's mainly because it's an hour from my job and I usually go straight there. I don't have a car, so I have to take the subway. My apartment is only twenty minutes by car, and he has one. It would be a lot easier for him to come to me. And also, he lives with a random person that even he doesn't get along with. So, it always feels awkward being there; like I'm some trespasser. Especially when Matt leaves me alone. I live by myself, and thus we'd have the apartment to ourselves.

"Okay, meet me at my apartment around 6:00PM."
"I'll be there around 7:00PM. I have to run to the parts store with Pete and Tom first."

I groan inwardly. I am going to try and have faith that he'll be on time. But he is notoriously late in general. When it comes to being with his friends, add an extra hour to that.

"Please come at 7:00PM," I practically beg.

I hated begging, but I was already getting a little disheartened that he wasn't coming straight to my apartment after his shift.

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