Wednesday PM.

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It's Wednesday, and Matt and I are planning on hanging out when I get out of work. Since we haven't seen each other in a while, I decide I don't mind making the trek out to him. I really don't want to have any foul thoughts or moods about us being together. I haven't seen him in so long, that I am actually missing him. We haven't really argued about anything lately, and so I feel like it will be nice to see him. Granted, we haven't talked much either, but it is what it is. The Con is almost here, and after that, I am hoping that things calm down.

I hadn't gotten any messages from him either since we bumped into one another at the grocery store the other night. I still don't even know who that girl was. I have thoughts swirling all about it in my head. My main guess is that it's his girlfriend. But, I had seen her with someone else. So, is it just a friend? But, I also saw them holding hands, so is it just another conquest? Is he seeing other people other than his girlfriend and me? He said he didn't do stuff like that, but I really don't know if that is true.

I feel upset at this thought. It seems like when we are together he is so genuine, but he really looked caught off guard when he saw me. Like he was doing something wrong. So, if it was his girlfriend, then why give off that type of emotion? I know he has a girlfriend.

I want to get all of this out of my head, so I try focusing on being with Matt tonight. My boyfriend. Thinking that out loud makes me doubly woozy, since I feel like I am not being completely honest either, but I want to focus on the good right now.

Matt and I are going to hang out, and we haven't in a long time. I had reconsidered taking a break, as I just feel like it's not the right time. Once the Con is over, I want to see how things go, and then make my decision then. He should have more time for me, and so if I feel like I am getting that time, then that's what I've been looking for all along.

I get out of the train station, and Matt is waiting in his car for me. He smiles when I climb into the passenger seat and gives me a kiss. It's a sweet and soft peck, and I realize how much I've missed him.

He looks like he's in a good mood, and I feel like tonight is going to go well.
"Hey babe. How have you been? I've missed you. But man, I can't wait for this weekend! We got pretty much everything done. I just have a few fixes on the gauntlet, but then, we are all set! You sure you don't want to come? We still have an extra ticket."

I am surprised that he is even asking me, but am pleased that he is.

"I'm sorry, I actually can't," I say. "I have a work thing last minute. My boss said he needs me to work an event at the Whitney."

"Ah bummer," he says, though he doesn't seem incredibly disappointed.

I try to get that thought out of my head. "Well, I get paid overtime, so I'm excited."
He smiles back and waggles his eyebrows at me, "Nice, well that means it's your treat tonight then?"

I glare at him, but I don't think he means it as a joke.

"Fine," I say, though I really don't know why. "What do you want?"
"Friday's," he says, but he's laughing, so I know it's a joke. Or at least hope it is. "Just kidding. Um, how about burritos?"
"That works," I say.

He puts the car in drive, and we head to get some burritos for dinner.

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