Friday (Late[r]).

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Not that I felt I was any good at lying in the first place, but I know for a fact that I cannot lie to Trixie. I know this even more so, because of the face that I was currently making as she held my phone out.

"I um, it's, um...," I stammer.
She looks at me seriously, but I can tell she isn't angry, just curious.

"Well, it's this guy," I start. And then it all comes tumbling out, much like the story of Matt and my breakup.

I tell her what happened from the very beginning. How I had felt so lonely that I just decided to join a social media app. How I wanted to meet friends. How I stumbled upon his profile. How we talked non-stop. How we met. How he made me feel. How we hooked up. How everything with him was. And how I was starting to fall for him. Or rather, that I had been falling for him.

She looks at me kindly, like she knows how I was feeling.

"Well, he sounds like a great guy," she says. But, then I see her face change.
"But also, hun, he has a girlfriend."

I nod, sadness creeping in. I know this. And I often choose to forget it. Whenever we are together, it feels like I am the only one in the world. I wondered if he feels the same. But, that isn't the point.

"I know, and when I was with Matt, it just didn't bother me. But now that Matt and I are done...or on a break...or whatever, I kind of wish that he didn't have one."

Trixie nods at me. "I know, but that's not the reality. The reality is that no matter how great of a guy to you he is, he has a girlfriend, and thus is not really that great of a guy."

She was right, but I didn't really want to hear that. I want her to gush with me at how much better he is than Matt. I want her to support my relationship with this guy.

But, she's being a good friend, and I know that too.

"So, what are you going to do?" she asks me. And I really have no idea.

We are now on our third bottle of wine, and I am feeling woozy. I am tired from all the drama and tired from all the crying and tired from well, everything.

We decide to stop gossiping, and watch a stupid show that we had grown up with.

Within minutes, we are both snoring on the floor on top of the pillows and blankets.

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