Thursday (Late)-Friday (Early).

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We had spent the whole day together and it had been wonderful. After we ate breakfast or brunch, whatever time it fell under, we decided to take a walk through our neighborhood to the park.

It had been a beautiful day, but no one seemed to be around. I figured most people had been at work. It was nice, as it allowed us to just meander and enjoy the day pretty much alone.

While we were walking in the park, he said he wanted to make us some lunch, so we stopped at the local deli to pick up some sandwich meats and fresh bread. We brought everything back to my apartment, and made some simple sandwiches together and enjoyed them standing up in the kitchen.

Everything felt simple, yet familiar, and I realized that I hadn't felt this relaxed in a long time.

We had been laying together on my couch, watching some stupid TV shows, when out of nowhere, he leaned over and kissed me. The shock made me feel giddy inside, and I pulled him closer to me. He bent down, deepening the kiss, and soon we were entangled in each other.

I knotted my fists into his shirt, pulling him into me. He groaned, and I felt a fire grow inside me from the sound. I slid out from under him, and he came to a seated position on my couch. He looked at me with a slightly puzzled look, but before he could say anything, I grabbed the front of his shirt and guided him to my bedroom. He chuckled, and quickly picked me up into his arms and carried me the rest of the way.

When we got into my room, he gently put me on the bed. I looked up at him, and could see the hunger in his eyes. We undressed each other quickly, anxious to feel skin to skin contact. As he kissed my neck, I gripped his body with my hands and dragged my nails across his back. He let out an almost animalistic growl. Our bodies seemed to be humming simultaneously as they grinded against one another. And then I felt him inside me. His body crashed upon mine, and the ecstasy in that moment took over my mind. A little while later, after he came and then pleasured me until I did the same, we laid together with our legs intertwined, as he traced shapes onto my stomach.

We spent the whole day and night together, but he had to get back to his place to get ready for his early morning shift at work. He told me that he wouldn't be able to check his phone too often as he worked, since he had to do a complete set up for an event, but that he'd get back to me as soon as he could. I didn't mind this, as I was just appreciative of his communication about the circumstance.

Before he left, he kissed me hard on the mouth, and then sweetly on the forehead. When I closed the door after him, I leaned against it and smiled.

I went back into my apartment, and checked my phone. Trixie was coming later that night, so I sent her a quick text before getting ready for bed to get some sleep.

"Excited to see you!"
"Same! I'm bringing the wine."
"And I got the snacks."
She sent a winky face, and I was happy that I was having a great couple of days. Something that sadly, had been lacking in my life.

I look at the other messages I had gotten during the day, and saw that Matt had sent some half-assed response back to me about not being in contact with him, which I somewhat ignored since I had been having such a good time. But, that was the only time he really texted me. Otherwise, I hadn't heard from him again all night.

Usually this would bother me more, but since I had been so distracted, I honestly didn't notice too much. I start to wonder to myself if maybe I should be making some changes in my life. As I tidy up before hitting the hay, I decide that I will talk with Trixie tonight and see what she thinks about the situation. Not the whole situation, but at least the part that deals with Matt.

I wash my face, put on some comfortable PJs, and get into bed. My bed still smelled like him, just like the last time, and I find it easy to fall asleep again. Within moments, I am out.

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