That Awkward Moment We All Share🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏼

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While Horatio was helping Susie and Madison look for a new apartment he ended up stopping a robbery of a armored truck nearby and Zariah was planning the oddest family reunion ever.... "I'm betting her kisses are better than mine!"  Horatio hears a familiar soft sensually ethereal voice say from behind him after Madison and Susie walk away he turns to see Zariah standing behind him with Caine at her side and asks softly "hi, what are you doing here!?!"  she replies waving her hand at the mess around them "heard about this and you know how much the pups love a Crime Scene!"  he chuckles "actually I was wondering if you found her a place I got the muscle waiting in the wings to help her move when necessary"  she tells him he smiles then replies "yes I did and I will let you know"  she says nodding her head over at Yelina "she probably thinks Maddy's yours"  he turns and looks at Yelina then back at her and says "that's okay"  Zariah replies "no it isn't! you know it isn't! secrets have a way of biting people in the ass making things worse not better! it's better if she knows the truth not get buried in the lie I should know my whole life is a lie!"  he looks at her sadly and after a short pause she says "I'll keep your secret for now but I'm doing it for you not Susie YOU are the one that matters!.... I owe you anyway"  he smiles a sad smile and asks "for what!?!"  instead of answering she says in a low soft voice "I'm not going to like her accusations though!"  he asks "what accusations!?!"  she says softly "you better get back to it!"  then she and Caine walk away and he watches her departing figure with a hurt heartbroken expression on his face until Tim walks over and he becomes all business.... just as Zariah predicted Yelina commented on the existence of Susie and Madison "are you okay with him having a child by another woman!?"  Yelina asks "I don't think that's any of your business! besides she's a little too old to be a bastard child since Horatio and I have been only dating for a little over a year and I owe him!"  Zariah replies "for what!?!"  Yelina asks with a confused tone "for the way I treated him for the way he treats you!.... all those days and nights he spent with you without me EVER knowing where he was!!"  Zariah replies Yelina looks at her with a surprised expression on her face  "now, if you'll excuse me I have a missing child I should be searching for which is far more important than what you THINK you know!!"  Zariah says as she stands up out of the chair she was sitting in in the MDPD Interrogation Room "and don't you EVER speak about Horatio like that again!! cause from the sounds of things you don't know him as well as you think!"   Zariah growls lowly in Yelina's ear as she passes by her and out of the room passing by Horatio who was watching them converse on the other side of the windowed wall and he watches her pass by him without acknowledging his existence with sad eyes.... Zariah helps Susie move with Horatio, Delko and Caine watching over Madison keeping her entertained and happy "you're really good with kids!"  Susie says "I have a lot of little brothers and sisters"  Zariah replies Susie looks at her with a surprised expression on her face "they were really busy!"  Zariah jokes Susie chuckles "besides having dogs help!"  Zariah says Susie laughs.... that night Zariah planned a small housewarming party for Susie and Madison with the pups Henry, Mathias, Olivia, Angelica and Horatio Caine.... when he got off of work.... Horatio Caine was surprised when he got a call from Madison inviting him to it but he smiled when he heard that it was Zariah's idea and he promised that he'd be there as soon as he could.... Horatio Caine was nothing but smiles as he watched Madison have fun learning sign language and play with some of Zariah's siblings, the pups and her new cat named Cinnamon who Susie wasn't all that happy that Zariah had brought for her daughter....

 Horatio Caine was nothing but smiles as he watched Madison have fun learning sign language and play with some of Zariah's siblings, the pups and her new cat named Cinnamon who Susie wasn't all that happy that Zariah had brought for her daughter

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