Leather Bound Babe🏍🕴🏻

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Horatio was shocked to find out that Madison already knew Ray Jr "I may have introduced them a few weeks after I met him during his first escape from prison"  Zariah tells him with a whispered tone as she stands next to him in Madison's room he chuckles then wraps his arm around her waist "it's a little crowded in here so I'm going too.... um.... I'm not family anyway so I really shouldn't be here!"  she whispers softly then she slides out of his grip and walks out the door and he watches her with sad eyes.... a week later Horatio sees Zariah and Caine standing behind the yellow police tape after he saved a man from a crashed plane that exploded he walks over to her and asks "again!?!"  she chuckles then replies "just be grateful I wasn't here when it actually happened!"  she points down at Caine who looks up at her and says "if you think he's bad I'm worse!"  Horatio chuckles "and maybe if you stop allowing yourself to get potentially blown up I could stop worrying!"  she adds he laughs then kisses her lips and heads back to the scene to talk with the pilot he saved "I guess I am wife material after all!"  she whispers to herself then she and Caine walk away from the tape and continue their walk towards the diner they were headed to for lunch waving at Calleigh as they pass by her and Calleigh waves back with a smile on her face then continues her search then gets a surprised visitor by the name of Detective John Hagen.... Zariah stops and sighs when Caine rushes under the yellow tape and growls at a man in a hat who was touching what Caine knew to be evidence Horatio turns when he sees a familiar sexy figure rush past him and he follows her "Caine back!"  Zariah says when she reaches her pup and Caine walks over to her "lets let Ratio take care of this alright?!"  she asks then she leads her pup away from the scene once more Horatio smiles at her and pets the pup on the head as they pass by him and he takes care of his newest problem the owner of the crashed plane who was trying to "take back his property".... "Ryan!! Calleigh!"  Ryan hears Zariah call out and he rushes over to where he heard her voice and sees Caine sniff a hand that was laying under a piece of plane once Zariah sees Ryan and Calleigh standing next to her she snaps her fingers twice and Caine walks over to her side "what can I say he loves being helpful sometimes too helpful!"  she teases Ryan chuckles then he walks over to where the hand is "and sorry Leigh I didn't realize you were so close"  she adds Calleigh chuckles then says with a smile "that's alright"  Zariah says "we'll sweep once then head out if we don't find anything else hopefully it'll satisfy his need to cause trouble!"  Zariah says Calleigh chuckles then says "I'd appreciate it"  Zariah nods then walks away with Caine at her side even though she could no longer volunteer at the Missing Person Department she was still allowed to help train and work with the K-9 Unit and all the officers of the MDPD know her and her pup(s) well so she was still allowed to be "sneaky" when it came to walking into Crime Scenes especially since everyone knew how much her pup(s) love to sneak into one with or without her permission and "assist" where they can the only reason she was no longer to work for the MPU was because she shot the man who kidnapped Jameson's daughter though there were still agents who allowed her to help out when they had trouble with their cases they would sneakily hand her reports on the kids who were of her skin color and/or darker and not theirs so she could work those cases on her own time.... "I think he feels unseen"  Calleigh hears Zariah say softly from behind her a few hours later and she turns around then asks curiously "what do you mean!?!"  Zariah replies "Hagen.... he feels like you don't see him!.... I don't know what happened between you two and I don't want to know for it's none of my business! but he looks at you like Horatio looked at me when we were apart.... lost and full of sorrow he still loves you and believes he no longer has a chance to.... fix what he did wrong.... whatever it was!.... at least that's what I see I could be wrong or perhaps I'm turning him into a uglier whiter more burly version of me!"  Calleigh chuckles "sorry I didn't mean....!"  Zariah says softly Calleigh smiles then replies "no it's ok.... it's nice of you to try for him"  Zariah says "it isn't for him but for you! he sees you with Peter and sees what he still could have had even if what he sees is only in his imagination he still sees it he sees you happy with someone else even if it's just in a friendship sort of way he sees it a different way and it crushes him!"  Calleigh smiles then jokes "maybe you are comparing him to you!"  Zariah chuckles then says "the only difference is I'm not jealous of them they're jealous of me!.... even when I wasn't with Horatio I still wanted him to be happy and even if it wasn't with me I'd be happy for him because he deserves the world I still believe I can't give him because that darkness still lives within me and I don't think I will ever get rid of it! I will always have doubts, questions I believe will never be answered and well I guess I got far too used to living in what is wrong in the world I can't see what is right even when it's right in front of me staring into my eyes like he's drowning in them and doesn't care if he never comes up for breath ever again!"  Calleigh looks at her sadly "don't feel sad for me Leigh you know I hate being pitied and even if that isn't the emotion you're trying to portray it's the one I see!.... I don't like seeing others hurt but I'm so used to it I don't mind it when it happens to me at least when it comes to everything BUT Horatio!!"  Zariah tells her Calleigh smiles then says "there's still hope for you yet then!"  Zariah replies "yes I suppose there is.... a small hope.... see you tomorrow Leigh"  Calleigh smiles then says with a wave "see ya"  then Zariah walks away and Calleigh frowns worried as usual about her friend but she pushes it back and focuses on her next task....

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