☠️⚰️⚱️Til Death Do Us Part We'll Live On Together Forever🧬

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Horatio walked into the Morgue a few hours later and found Zariah on the phone with someone when his wife noticed his arrival she walks over to him and says as she hands him the phone "there's someone who'd like to say hi"  he looks at her oddly then places the phone up against his ear and hears his children babbling softly on the other end and he smiles with a soft chuckle how did she know he needed that!?! "Pavel said you could call anytime Ratio! do like you do with me and call them as you drive or ride the elevator people will understand for many go through the same thing you are!"  Zariah tells him softly he smiles then hands her back her phone "oh go on! I'm going to go home anyway.... yes I know I promised to stay here but I miss our kids and just as much as you do!"  she tells him he chuckles with a smile then kisses her temple and whispers "I'll see you at home"  then walks out of the room feeling better than he did when he entered it.... Zariah returns to the Crime Lab a few hours later and meets with Aaron's family who meet Ryan as he was leaving the Morgue "Ryan Wolfe this is Amy, Sarah, Jackson and Brad Jessop Aaron's family"  Zariah introduces the five strangers "you mind taking care of them?! I'd like to get back home before Ratio gets there"  she asks Ryan smiles then replies with a soft chuckle in his tone "sure"  she smiles then says "thanks"  she waves at the five of them then walks away and heads back home to her children meeting her husband as she walks out of the Crime Lab and they head home together hand in hand but get stopped by Agent Parks who gives Horatio some really bad news.... the man who ordered the hit on Zariah has been set free after making a deal with the Feds Zariah takes a step back and lets go of Horatio's hand when she sees the train of black cars heading their way and she acts like she was going back inside so that the passenger in the back seat of the last car doesn't see her.... a few days after she released herself from the hospital Zariah heard that she was not the only one who had a hit ordered on her and she got Marisol, Henry and Olivia out of Miami at least till it was safe once more and much to her surprise Marisol chose New York City as her temporary home the day they discussed it Marisol tells her "I've never been and I'm curious as to what it's like there!"  Zariah replies ending with a tease as she hands Marisol Mac's card "alright! well I do know one person I trust that lives there his name is Mac here's his card when you get to New York contact him and he'll help you get settled.... don't worry I'll call and warn him of his appending doom.... I mean....!" Marisol chuckles softly "I hate to say it but don't stay there long unless you find a good reason too I trust the man but never liked his city!"  Zariah tells her friend Marisol nods then gives her friend a hug before she leaves to go pack.... once the cars were out of sight Zariah returns to her husbands side and slides her hand in his then feels him jump at her soft touch "Ratio!?!"  she asks softly with a worried tone he smiles at her "come on let's get home I bet they miss us as much as we miss them!"  she tells him he chuckles then kisses her lips and they walk to her vehicle and drive off "I didn't mean too....! I figured he thought that I was dead and I thought it would be better if he continued to think that so I....!"  she tells him as they drive home he slides his hand over her thigh and says softly "I know you did the right thing!"  she smiles sadly knowing that he wasn't completely with her anymore and he leans over and kisses her lips then turns his attention back to the road and takes his phone out and calls Eric to tell him what he learned and they make plans to head to Brazil "I want you to stay here!"  Horatio says once he hangs up "of course you do!"  Zariah replies with a sigh in her tone "that's ok we can go visit Uncle Mac while your gone and visit aunt Marisol while we're there!"  she adds he chuckles then leans over and kisses her lips then says softly "thank you"  she replies with a shrug "can't say I ever wanted to go there anyway besides they probably "live" in the "bad" part of the city and I wouldn't want to put our children in danger I'm one thing but they.... they deserve the right to live a full life!"  he smiles a sad smile she slides her hand over his thigh and says softly "I know you're just looking out for us but I will always put them first!"  he smiles then kisses her lips "just promise me you'll be careful and come back to us!"  she whispers he squeezes the hand that made itself at home on his thigh and replies softly "I promise!".... the next day after dropping Horatio off at the airport Zariah calls Mac and asks "so you ready to meet your godchildren!?"  Mac chuckles then replies with a smile in his tone "sure!"  she says "I'm not expecting you to take the day off.... maybe an hour or so but not a whole day I know your city needs you but Horatio's on a revenge spree in Brazil and....!"  he replies "say no more!"  she says "we'll be heading down tomorrow with them being my first full term children I want to make sure they're good to travel so I made a doctors appointment for today"  he chuckles softly "they're only four months old and yes I'm overcautious!"  she says he laughs she shakes her head then says "we'll see you tomorrow"  he replies with a smile in his tone "I look forward to it Mrs. Caine"  she chuckles then hangs up.... the next day Zariah gets a call from Horatio while she was packing for a 2-4 day trip to see Mac and Marisol and learns that his brother is now actually dead and this time he saw it happen before his very eyes she comforted him the best she could without being physically by his side then put the phone on speaker when her children started babbling like they knew exactly who she was talking too and somehow she knew he was smiling at the sound for that sound always made him smile "is Ray Ray ok!?!"  she asks "I wouldn't be surprised if they're using him because of his namesake he did make a promise!"  she says "yes he did!"  he replies "I'm sorry I....!"  she apologizes softly he stops her from continuing by saying "it's alright everything is going to be alright I'm going to make it right!"  she replies "of course you are!"  he chuckles "how's Y!?"  she asks he laughs then replies "she's doing good"  she says "I'm sure you have to let her know so I'll let you go and we'll see you when you get home we love you stay safe Ratio!"  he replies "I love you too"  then they hang up.... Mac picks Zariah and her children up from the airport and gets handed both of them after getting introduced to them which made him chuckle "hey be grateful I'm not taking pictures just giving my arms a break.... and answering my phone!"  she jokes as her phone rings from within her pocket he laughs as she answers it "hi!"  she says softly into her phone "hi!"  she hears Horatio reply softly back as she and Mac head to his car "is everything alright!?!"  she asks "not really!"  he replies "is Ray ok!?!"  she asks "I don't know!"  he replies softly "well with a uncle like you I'm sure he will be soon!"  she says he chuckles "Mac just picked us up he sends his sympathies!"  she tells him both Mac and Horatio chuckle once they reach his car Mac who was usually a gentleman waited for Zariah to open the back door for him and she helped him put Timothy and Deidra in the car seats he had placed inside for them once they were secure he opens the front passenger side door for Zariah waits for her to get in then closes it then he walks over to the drivers side gets in and they drive to his apartment.... when Zariah hears that Horatio was returning home she tells him over the phone "we're still going to stay.... at least for a couple of days it just doesn't feel right to come here then leave!"  Horatio replies "I know it's ok!"  she says "I wanted to be home when you got there I wasn't expecting you to be back so soon!"  he chuckles then replies with a smile in his tone "I know neither was I!"  she asks "how's Del!?!"  he replies "he's good"  she says "I'll let Mari know you two say hi Mac had to go to work so we're going to go visit her and if I'm not mistaken I think she and Mac may be seeing one another.... boy does she work fast!"  he chuckles "though it's understandable after her cancer scare and the fact that cancer sometimes returns she might believe she's living on borrowed time but at least she's trying to live it instead of sinking in the thought of when she's going too....!"  she says "gosh that got depressing really fast!"  she says after a short pause he chuckles "can we change the subject please!?!"  she asks he laughs then replies with a smile in his tone "alright"  she asks "how'd Leigh do!?!"  he replies "very well"  she asks "so she made you proud did she!?!"  he replies "very!"  she says "as we knew she would!"  he chuckles then replies with a smile in his tone "yes we did!"  she says softly "go save your nephew stay safe Ratio! we love you"  he replies with a smile in his tone "I love you three too"  then they hang up....

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