Chapter Thirty: Tough Talks

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Not to brag or anything, but this is my third upload in a month.  Just saying.  Enjoy! XDee



I re-solidified and dropped Bethany to the ground, gasping for air. Despite the preparation, I wasn't able to stay in my form very long, let alone when I'm carrying another person with me.

"Sophie," Bethany whispered. I looked down at her. "Sophie, what – what's...?"

Her question trailed off as we continued to stare at each other. My knees buckled beneath me, no longer able to hold myself up. I could feel someone messing with my head. There was a sense of urgency, as if someone I couldn't see was calling to me. I knew I had completed my mission, but couldn't remember what that mission was.

"Ah, there you are!" Doom swooped into the warehouse, his posse following behind. Morgan le Fay greeted me with her usual glare. Alicia, the robot/boxing instructor followed closely behind. And then there was a man, whom I still couldn't quite recognize. He was older, balding, and seemed to obsess over the robot. A wire hung from her neck – one of the few pieces of evidence that prove she isn't human – and he was trying to fix it. Rather than letting him, she kept smacking his hands away.

"What do you want with me?" Bethany spat at them.

"You'll see," he grinned. With a snap of his fingers, two of his goons rushed towards Bethany and me and began to drag us to another room.

"No! Let me go!" Bethany screamed. She did her best to struggle against those holding her. With as exhausted as I was, I didn't bother resisting.

"What, no witty remark?" Morgan sneered. I looked up at her and spat in her face. Behind us, Doom laughed. She smacked me – hard, I might add – before opening the door to the metal box. Bethany was doing her best to scream for help and almost seemed to be making progress against Doom's goons.

Finally, Doom grew bored. "Miss le Fay, would you please...?"

She smiled and waved her hands. Bethany turned to her complete water state and froze, midair, and floated inside the room with us. For the first time, I noticed a panel on the wall. It was set up like a large elevator, interesting. I tried to make it seem like I was laying down in order to watch how they set up the system to make us go, but Alicia stepped in front of me to block the way.

"Get up," She sneered.

"No thanks, I think I'll lay down here for a bit," I said. She kicked me in the stomach and I grabbed it in pain.

"I said get up," she repeated. This time I stood, but in the hopes of catching another glimpse at what they were doing on the panel. Of course, they'd already finished by then. Alicia shoved me against the wall and attached the anti-powers contraptions to my hands, legs, waist, and neck.

"It's like I'm back in college and someone duct taped me to the wall," I joked. Alicia shot a look of "what the hell are you talking about?" before walking away to sit at the table in the center of the room.

The bald man pulled out a heavy bag and slapped it onto the table. I watched as he masterfully began to sculpt a nearly exact replica of Bethany. She was still frozen in her water state, shoved in the corner like a decorative ice sculpture. I became mesmerized as his thick hands sculpted the delicate features of my former best friend.

Huh. Strange how things can change like that. Bethany, Clint, Steve, and I were always together. Now I hardly speak to any of them. I haven't even heard from Skye in weeks. Lately I've only really seen Wade, Banner, Bucky, and my dad. And sometimes Peter.

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