Chapter Thirty-Nine: Round Three...Fight!

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Only a few more chapters and this story will finally come to an end... I'm so sad but can't wait!  Hope y'all enjoy!



Bucky and I had a surprisingly calm walk together. With our hands clasped together, we walked to a nearby deli and had lunch, then made our way to an ice cream vendor. Wanda, Wade, and Dr. Strange made plenty of comments over the coms.

"With the way you look at her, Barnes, I'm surprised you're able to keep your hands to yourself," Wade teased. Bucky sighed, but I laughed. Over these months Wade had definitely become one of my best friends. I went crazy multiple times, but he never judged and continued to make me laugh.

"It's almost four... head for the north entrance of the park," Dr. Strange advised. He'd started off by telling Wade to shut up, but in the last half hour gave up and chose to ignore him. Wanda did her best to remain professional, but was mostly quiet.

Bucky and I rounded a corner and could see the four people we were meant to meet in the distance. We walked closer when I decided to ask about the others. "Have we heard anything from the other teams?"

"No, nothing, yet," Wanda answered.

"Peter's been texting me a lot. I think he misses me," Wade added.

You could feel Strange roll his eyes. "Ugh. He's probably bored. At the last check-in, Stark mentioned they landed to have some lunch."

"At least no one's hurt," I sighed. Bucky gently squeezed my hand. We finally reached the Fantastic Four and introduced ourselves.

"You're the little Stark? Smaller than I expected," Ben stated as I shook his hand. Well, it was really only one of his fingers, since his hand was huge.

"I'm actually the oldest," I corrected.

"How many of you are there?" Dr. Richards asked.

"Three have been confirmed through blood test, and another that refused to take one but we have a strong suspicion he's another Stark."

"Are your sisters just as beautiful as you are?" Johnny asked. He gave a look of I'm sure was meant to be seduction, but it made me laugh.

"You are aware that I'm her fiancé, right?" Bucky asked, pulling me closer by the waist. Johnny nodded and took a few steps back.

"So, uh, you were supposed to destroy me, right?" Sue asked shyly.

I shrugged. "I guess."

"What exactly are your powers?"

"I still don't know how to describe it – mostly because there could be more to it than we know. But what we've seen so far, I'm able to separate into individual molecules. I can identify each kind and pull them together to make things I might need. Like, when our kitchen exploded, I could gather air together to get out of the fire safely," I explained.

"Sorry 'bout that, by the way," Johnny chipped in. His previous cocky demeanor changed to that of an embarrassed child.

I waved the apology away. "I've done worse under their control, unfortunately."

"Hey..." Bucky squeezed me gently. He was constantly trying his best to remind me to forgive myself for what I did to those kids. I barely remember it, thankfully. Eden said I probably blocked that memory, despite Wanda and Dr. Strange breaking the memory block.

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