Chapter Two: Sudden Changes

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"You call that a bed?" I scoffed through my broken jaw. Alicia bared her metal teeth and shoved me on the blanket.

"Some would be lucky to have so much," she spat.

I noticed my own toilet bucket in the corner. "Oh. That explains why you ripped out my catheter. You know, I'll give it to ya; didn't think you could go on fighting as long as you did. Kudos to whoever made you! But, I guess it takes a human to be able to be able to beat me." I eyed the dent in her hip I'd managed.

"Don't get too comfortable. You're leaving in a few hours." She slammed the door to my cage shut.

I stretched out on the blanket, struggling to get comfortable. It was kind of hard to find a good position with what I'm sure were broken ribs, knuckles, and a shattered kneecap. After feeling around I managed to pop my elbow back into place and shove my jaw in a better position so I could talk better. Alicia seemed to have a great understanding of what I was trying to say to her with it out of place.

"You all right?" Geek asked from a few feet away. He was used to sleeping on the concrete with nothing but a thin blanket.

"The uje," I answered.

He sighed and leaned against the bars closest to me. "I'm sure I'll be putting that gel on you in the morning to help you heal. They like to see how fast they can break and then fix you."

"Who cares," I shrugged. "I'm tired from busting up that old robot. Tomorrow I get the princess treatment."

"I hope," he muttered. We both turned our backs to each other, but neither of us were falling asleep any time soon. There was no way I could be tortured like this, and then all of a sudden released back into the normal world. There had to be a catch.

"Hey, Geek?" I called.


"Has it really been that long?"

I could hear him turn over. "That's what I'm told. It's hard to properly keep track with only artificial sunlight."

I sighed dramatically. "Damn. That puts me at 24. That's a lot of missed birthday cakes. I'm old, now." Geek laughed as best he could, bringing a smile to my own sore face. "Well, I'm glad I've at least had some company."

"Thank you." My eyelids drooped. I was finally about to get some rest. A door opened in the distance. I covered my head, dreading the thought of having to wake up so soon.

"Wakey-wakey!" someone shouted in the dark. His voice was one I'd never heard before.

"Aw, come on!" I whined.

"It's time for your makeover," they grinned. The speaker was flanked by a half dozen

I sat up, struggling to see in the dark. "Wait, who are you?"

"I'm the one who is going to play with your mind! A lobotomy of sorts... We're going to give that brain of yours a good wash!" he laughed.

"You're far too happy to be – wait, did you just imply you were going to stick a needle into my eye socket? Cuz they proved long ago that that's not an effective treatment," I said. "You could the same result having Daredevil practice throwing knives at me for the first time in front of a live audience."

More guns walked in and picked up my entire cage as if it was nothing. I grabbed a hold onto the bars in order to talk with this man while he walked behind me. In the distance, I could see Geek struggling to not puke from motion sickness in his own cage.

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