Chapter 27: It's all coming together

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As Wade and I raced through New York, I got another call, this time from Dr. Strange. His voice came through the speakers of my car.

"Stark! Something happened with your daughter-"

"I already know! We're tracking her to the warehouse district. Meet us there as soon as you can. I'll have Friday send you the coordinates."

"She's moving pretty fast. Do you think we can catch her?" Wade asked from the passenger seat. I'd never heard him sound honestly worried before. We pulled in front of the old warehouse that I'd purchased after Sophie surprised me with the Atari. God, that was ages ago. Strange and his buddy Wong had also arrived. Sophie's car was already here, I'm assuming that meant Parker was here, too.

"Sophie!" I screamed, running into the warehouse. Only my echo answered. We came around a corner and ran right into Peter.

"Did you find her?" Wong asked.

"I don't get it. She was here, right here, and then suddenly she was gone. The whole room vanished! I don't understand," he mumbled.

"Vanished?" Strange and I said simultaneously.

"Just like four years ago..." I remembered that day clearly. That giant, metal box, there and then suddenly gone, with my daughter inside.

Strange turned to me. "I felt an old magic. We believe she had a memory block placed on her. Whenever I tried to lift it, she reacted violently. Whoever did this to her, is very strong in their powers. This isn't someone who is new to this earth."

"Wanda!" I guessed.

"No, it can't be her," Wade shook his head.

"And why not?!"

"Cause she's in Europe with her brother." He showed us his phone, on which he was facetiming Wanda herself. She and Pietro stood in front of the Frankfurt airport in Germany. "I called her when we pulled up."

"I am sorry what is happening with your daughter," she apologized. "We are dealing with our father."

"How do all of you come up with the money to just travel to different countries?" Peter asked, peeking over my shoulder.

"We have connections," Pietro smirked.

"Have you heard anything about what's going on over here?" I asked.

"I was told she and the geek are not doing well," Wanda answered. "Beyond that, I am not sure."

"We think she was enchanted by magic. A memory block," Strange explained.

"Yes, that does make sense. I thought I had noticed something about her when she returned, but it was faint. I thought it was someone else," she admitted. A loud bang erupted behind them. "Got to go!"

The phone went black. Peter was deep in thought behind us.

"Sophie had a theory earlier today." He began to pace as he was explaining to us. "She thought that whoever had taken her, was also responsible for who has the Canadian Prime Minister. She thinks the person has created a time machine-"

"Not possible," I interrupted.

He continued on, undeterred. "But I told her that was crazy! She pointed out that no one could find her physically, on any planet. She had to be in the past. The person didn't even have to-"

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