Chapter Forty-Two: The End

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A tear fell from Pepper's eye as she fixed the veil on my head. I hadn't planned on having one, but my dad insisted. Like we knew he would, he did his absolute best to be a part of every aspect of my wedding... our wedding. Mine and Bucky's. God, this is too real.

It was nearly a year after we found the Prime Minister and things were barely calm enough for us all to gather for this day. Doom was taken care of by the Fantastic Four. I have no idea what they did with him, and to be honest I don't care. Morgan la Fey was sent back in time by Dr. Strange. Alicia and her father were thrown in prison; the latter in the mentally unstable area. Geek agreed to another paternity test and it was confirmed, once more, that he was Levan. My brother.

"You look gorgeous!" Wanda complimented. She was one of my bridesmaids, along with Natasha, Bethany, Bobbi, Sharon, and Skye. I'd asked Eden to be my maid of honor, but she insisted she needed to get back to Scotland. She was still a nurse, after all, and had work to do. I'd asked Clint – jokingly – to be my maid of honor after, and he gratefully accepted. It was crushing having to explain to him that it was actually going to be Pepper. He argued for flower man, but settled for a groomsmen.

Who won the "flower girl" battle? Wade. Who else? We didn't exactly have a ton of children running around to help out. And Wade convinced Peter to be the ring bearer, so they could walk down the aisle together. Wade was thrilled, but Peter looked like he would rather chew his own leg off.

"Are we about ready?" Bruce asked, poking his head in the door.

"Yes!" I beamed, turning. His breath caught in his throat.

"Um, wow. Sophie, you look..."

"Gorgeous? Angelic? Stunning? Perfect?" my dad guessed as he pushed past his best friend. When he caught sight of me he paused, tears forming in his eyes.

"I...I... Sophie. You are all of the above," he complimented. We laughed as a group.

"Okay, everyone line up! It's time to start!" Bethany clapped. I had thought to ask her to be my maid of honor, but she told me up front that she didn't feel she deserved it. The first few months after I came home she said she wasn't that great of a friend, but was happy to be a part of the bridal party.

"Oh, wait! Pepper, you made sure the paparazzi-"

"They'll be taken care of," she promised. I let out a huge sigh of relief. The moment word got out that the former Winter Soldier was marrying the eldest Stark kid, the press went mad! We were practically forced to stay inside our home for months.

Wanda led the procession, followed by Bobbi, Natasha, Bethany, and Sharon. Pepper gave me one more reassuring hug before she also began the walk down the aisle. My dad had rented out an entire church for today, because of course he did. I nervously gripped his left arm and played with my bouquet.

"Hey," he whispered. I looked up at his big brown eyes that I'd inherited. "You look beautiful. And Barnes is going to love you so much."

I playfully smacked his shoulder. "You promised you wouldn't make me cry! I don't want to ruin my make-up!"

He chuckled. "I mean it, Sophie. I'm so proud of you."

I held my dad close, grateful that I'm able to share this moment with him. And I knew, deep down, that my aunt Peggy and my mom were watching from the heavens above. The music changed and I prepared to start my walk down the aisle.

As rehearsed, I stared at the white rug that lined the floor in front of us. At the halfway point, I took a deep breath and looked up. Clint, Sam, Levan, Peter, and Wade stood proudly as groomsmen. (Yes, Peter and Wade were also part of the bridal party). Steve stood stoically as Best Man. Our eyes met and he nodded ever so slightly. It was strange to think that at one point I had convinced myself I loved him. But nothing could compare to how I felt for Bucky.

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