Chapter 12: It's Been a While

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I feel so bad about making y'all wait so long for the last chapter.  Here's the next!  Enjoy, my lovelies! XDee



Natasha called me, urging me to go to the house. I wasn't aware of any plans we had for the Avengers, but she seemed pretty adamant that I show up. Maybe something was going on between Wanda and Jarvis. She sometimes takes their sparring a little too far. Or maybe Tony and Sophie-

Sophie. Was I even allowed back in her 'domain'? I hadn't gone back since we'd broken up for a reason. What were the rules, as far as ex's still going to each other's houses? I'm not well versed in this relationship stuff. Even though nothing had happened between Sharon and me, I hadn't spoken to her in over a week. Sophie's accusations hit me pretty hard, and I felt guilty for the 'nothing' I had committed.

When I pulled up Bucky was already at the front door, a package in his hands. He waited while I parked my bike next to his to enter with me.

"What brings you here?" I asked.

He shrugged, lifting the package. "Apparently I run errands, now."

"What's in it?"

He shoved the package in my chest. "Find out for yourself. Natasha called and asked me to come here, but pick that up on the way. Where's Sam?"

"I-I don't know."

"I thought the two of you were 'best buds'?" he walked ahead of me, taking in the room.

"Where is this hostility coming from? I thought we were past all this?" He dropped onto one of the couches, still brooding. I went to sit next to him, but Vision walked through the walls and right into the spot.

"Is this where the meeting is to be held?" he assumed.

"'ey! Look who's all here! Long time no see!" Sam exclaimed as he walked in with Natasha and Wanda.

"What's this meeting all about?"

"The White House contacted me last night. The Canadian Prime Minister has gone missing, and they've asked us to help find him," Natasha answered.

"You mean Tross.. Trod...Trudge... Obama's buddy?" Sam gave up trying to pronounce his last name.

She didn't smile. "Yes, Obama's buddy."

I struggled to see why this was necessary for us to be involved. "Why do they need us? Normally this is something for the FBI or-"

"His entire plane vanished soon after departing from DC two days ago. The US and Canada have already used their most powerful tools to help search, but so far nothing has come up. Seeing as we tend to yield better results, they've contacted us before anyone noticed," Wanda explained. She shared a look with Natasha, who gave her an encouraging nod.

"This is supposed to be top secret. No one else beyond this room is-"

"Hey, what brings you all here?" Tony asked as he walked past. Geek followed closely behind him, looking just as disheveled but with the same bright eyes. "I'll bet you're looking for Justin Trudeau, aren't you?"

"How in the hell...?!" Sam looked around for any explanations.

"It's all over the news," Geek shrugged. He picked up the remote on the table and turned on the flat screen. Every channel had coverage of the story. Each had a different theory about what happened and why he was a target.

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