Chapter 10: Break Ups

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Yay!  Another chapter!  Woo-hoo!  Lol enjoy! XDee



I skidded into the room, nearly crashing into Mockingbird, no thanks to my socks on the newly waxed wood floors. The bruises on Sophie's arms and face were clearly defined. She didn't look too worse for wear, more angry than anything. She appeared to be asleep, but continued to swear and lash out at something invisible in front of her.

"All right." I gripped the back of the couch she was sprawled out on. "Who wants to be the first to tell me what the HELL is going on?!"

"First of all, I'd like to point out that we won," Wade spoke up.

"Won what?!" I was now seething. The same voice that my father used to use in one of his angry drunken stupors came out of my own mouth. To say it was frightening would be an understatement.

"I found her in the middle of an alley fighting these clay men," Bucky explained. "We were doing fine, until one of them injected her with something and she started going off."

"And then they re-grew themselves. We had to go through the same guys two, maybe three thousand times," Wade shrugged.

Bucky shot him a dirty look. "They did regrow, but only once. Then a guy in a limo showed up. Something about him scared them off."

"Some guy in a limo?" I repeated. "Yeah, not helpful. How long has she been like this?"

"Maybe twenty minutes?" Mockingbird guessed. "When I found them she was fine, a little bruised but fine. When we started driving here, she passed out and began to fight or whatever she's doing."

"What did he inject her with?" I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"Not sure. He kept the needle. But the injection spot is behind her left elbow. She kept playing with it in the car before she started... before this." Bucky pointed to the spot. It was barely noticeable. My polio vaccine shot was more pronounced than this was.

"All right. I've got to get her to the lab and take some tests-"


"Okay, okay! I won't do it now! But I need to find out what he did to you," I insisted. She continued to whimper as I held her close. Something she whispered made me look around us. "Where's Rogers? I thought she was with him? How did she end up in the middle of a gang of clay men?"

Clint awkwardly strode into the room, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, about that-"

"I ran away," Sophie whispered.


"Because it's what I do." She stared blankly ahead.

"Sophie," I sighed. "This isn't-"

"Where is she?" Speak of the devil. Steve burst into the living room, sweat dripping down the front of his shirt. He moved to sit by us, but once we made eye contact he froze.


"Tony, I can explain."

I held my arm out, waiting for one of my suits so I could beat the pulp out of the Star Spangled idiot. No one had said anything to suggest it, but I was 90% certain he was the reason Sophie was in this situation. I'd had enough of his bullshit – especially anything pertaining to my eldest daughter. It ended today. Beside me, Sophie tensed.

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