Chapter Thirty-Three:

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   :) Enjoy! XDee



A full day passed. I was able to remember most of what happened, except for Doom's specific plans. I knew Bethany played a huge role, which is why they still held her captive. And there was something about an old bald man, but I couldn't figure out his importance. My dad explained what happened with Geek – or Levan, as is his name, apparently. He also explained that I had, indeed, murdered two children. That hurt the worst. The X-men were out to kill me, which I understood completely.

And that led to the next conversation with my dad. I was banned from leaving the mansion. At least until we could figure out a way to make peace with them. I'd considered sneaking out anyway, and turning myself over. Bucky was the one who convinced me not to. It seemed sudden, but that man had quickly become my safety net.

I continued to toss in my bed before giving up. Maybe if I ate something I would be able to sleep? Or maybe I could try taking some Tylenol. I threw on a sweater and made my way to the kitchen. I figured there would be someone up; this place was filled with insomniacs.


Bucky looked up from the book in his lap. He'd been sitting at the kitchen counter, with a tablet next to him. Apparently he was on night watch.

He smiled. "I saw you leave your room. Figured you'd come down here for some water."

I shrugged. "I was actually a little hungry. And maybe hoping for some Tylenol."

"Do you not feel well?" He stood and put his real hand to my forehead. I smiled softly.

"Well, I couldn't sleep but I hoped the medicine might help change that. And, ya know, the food," I explained.

"What do you want to eat?" he asked, rummaging through the fridge. I took his spot at the counter and glanced at the book he'd been reading; The Fellowship of the Ring.

"I didn't know you were a Tolkien fan," I mused.

Without turning around, he answered, "I didn't get to read it when it first came out in the 50's. I liked The Hobbit, and I'm still trying to get caught up on stuff. This seemed like a nice segue. Now, what did you want to eat?"

I couldn't help but stare at the man in front of me. His metal arm had stretched out the left sleeve of his shirt, while his "normal" arm filled it in perfectly. He normally wore black pants, but now donned a pair of dark blue sweatpants. He'd stayed the night with me plenty of times before, but normally he didn't bother to bring pajamas. To see him dressed so casual was a nice change of pace.

"Sophie, you okay?" He leaned across the counter to gently grab my hand.

"Uh, yeah, sorry. I'm still a little out of it. I think I'll make a bowl of cereal."

He smirked. "No, you need more than that. I've got some sausage, we can make some toast with jam, and probably some OJ. I'd make bacon, too, but I'm pretty sure Thor finished that off yesterday."

"No eggs?" I teased. He rolled his eyes.

"I'm not that good of a cook, okay?"

"I was only joking. Toast and sausage sounds great." He set about cutting up and cooking the sausage while I made some small talk. When everything was ready, he made two plates and sat next to me.

"Oh, wait. I think I saw some raspberry preserves in the pantry. Give me a second, I'll grab it." He rushed to the unusually large pantry that my father insisted be stocked up at all times.

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