Chapter Thirty-Six: Late Night Conversations

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I shook Dr. Richards' hand after he walked us to their door. "Thank you, we'll see you soon."

"I wish we'd met under different circumstances, but I'm glad we could reach a plan," he nodded. I gently placed my arm around Sharon's waist and led her to the car.

"Um, this is awkward," Sam said.

My head snapped to who I thought was Sharon, only to see that I'd mistakenly put my arm around Sam. He grinned as our eyes met and wiggled his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

"Sam, no! I thought you were Sharon!" I exclaimed. Wade and Bobbi were dying of laughter from the car. I blushed and walked quickly to where Sharon was actually standing.

"Flirting with Sam right in front of me? That's brave, Captain Rogers," she teased. My face grew red as I walked around her to get to the driver's seat.

"You gonna ride with us back to the compound?" I asked. She leaned against the door.

"Nah, I've got my own car. Besides, I need to make a few calls to see if we can't get Skye and Coulson to help out." She nodded her goodbye. I watched her walk away.

"Way to not be obvious that you're not checking out her ass," Wade said in my ear. I reached my arm back and shoved him into the seat.

"If you're gonna ride with us, I don't want to hear a peep," I growled.

"Damn, Rogers. Seeing you aggressive is hot."

"Even I'm a little turned on," Natasha joked from the passenger seat. I glared at her before driving back to the mansion.

"All right, everyone head to bed for the night. We've got to get plenty of rest to be prepared for tomorrow. Bobbi, if you'll come with me to give everyone else the updates."

She nodded from the backseat. Sam raised his hand. "Wait, you don't want me to go with you, Cap?"

I groaned. "No, Sam. You'll need your rest."

"You can bunk with me tonight, if you want," Nat winked. Sam rubbed his hands together.

"Hell, yeah, Romanoff!"

"Y'all are too much." Bobbi pinched the bridge of her nose as she tried to hide her laugh.

I pulled up to the mansion and parked, grateful to finally get everything we've been working on these past few years almost to an end. We had a plan. Sophie was safe. And we're going to take down this Doom guy.


Around midnight the group who had gone to visit the Fantastic Four walked through the back door. I'd been working with Thor and Bruce to finish up some major repairs to the wall that had been blown up. I was still waiting for a new window and sliding door to arrive, but since it's only been 24 hours, I didn't bother rushing anyone.

"Hey, Cap n' Crew!" I greeted. "Bobbi, Clint is still in the control room, watching the cameras, since I had to bring Thor in to help fix the wall."

She smiled and headed to the back room. Steve stood beside me, taking a double-take at the couch. Pepper and Peter were both fast asleep.

"I, uh, see things must have gone a little crazy in here while we were gone," he smiled, nodding towards the two

"Some people weren't lucky enough to take a 70 year nap," I retorted. "What's the plan? I'm assuming you were able to speak with the Fantastic Family, since you were gone for so long."

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