Chapter 3: The Rescue

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Huh.  Funny.  In a completely different state, and I've uploaded more consistently.  Weird.  Anywho, enjoy! XDee



"He's not coming. No one's coming. I'm not worth saving. No one's coming. He's not coming," I repeated the mantra over and over, just as I'd been told for the last day straight. After four years of being locked up, the truth was apparent. No one was coming for me.

"I'm so sorry, dad! I should've been more aware! Steve, why didn't you come for me?!" I cried.

Someone unlocked the chains around my wrists, causing me to fall into their arms. Too weary to see who it was, I assumed I would be dragged off into what's-his-name's lab again. I no longer cared what he did to me. At this point, I figured something had happened and my father nor Steve were coming after me. I was so sure they would, but since they hadn't yet, there was no hope.

"Sophie? Sophie, can you hear me?"

The man shook me violently. My neck cracked from the shaking. Slowly, the voice dawned on me. "Steve?"

He smiled. "Yeah! Oh, thank God you're alive! I thought you were gone!"

"No, I would never give him that satisfaction," I coughed. My senses were coming back. This was real. An escape was happening. I was getting out of here!

He lifted me into his arms with ease. "You've lost a lot of weight."

"Yeah, well they don't exactly provide five star service to prisoners. Next time I'll be sure to stuff myself with only cheesecake instead of cooking mice over the fire pit," I muttered. "Stop talking, start running. I've been waiting on you guys for too long!"

"Yes, ma'am!" he smiled.

With that effortless speed he has, we took off. Over Steve's shoulder I spotted yellow and red figures searching through other rooms. We were heading in the opposite direction, so I didn't bother wondering if they were with or against us. However, it wasn't long before some big buff guys caught up with us. A man with long black hair dressed in black and silver that I'd never seen before took them out in a flash. Steve set me down and tossed his shield around a bit to help out. I gripped the wall, vision spinning. My senses were definitely returning, but I wasn't super strong just yet. When they were finished fighting, Steve took me up in his arms again and we sped off once more.

"Thor and Wolverine should be just around the bend. Beyond that is Dr. Banner, and your dad is waiting outside the doors, ready to take you to safety. Hawkeye is waiting with his bow and arrows to make sure no one blocks your way," Steve said.

"What about you?" I managed. Seeing him again – oh, it was wonderful! My eyes watered. This was real this time, right? Not just another daydream? I'm not getting too into some crazy rescue story I'm telling Geek to get us through the day?

"I'll be fine. I've got to go after the bastard that did this," he answered. We arrived outside and I saw Tony ahead of us. He flew down and held me in his arms, hugging me tight. A little too tight. He must've forgotten how powerful he was in his suit.


"Sophie, oh thank... I'm glad you're all right!"

Steve called from behind us, "I'll be back."

I turned around. "But, no! Steve...!" Without hearing my requests to come with me, he nodded to my father and turned back towards the place I'd been kept. "Wait! Stop! Let me just..."

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