Chapter 3

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Lydia felt as if she couldn't breathe.

What was she doing? What was she thinking? 

This is crazy, she couldn't help but think. They were almost to SWORD headquarters, which wasn't good. Vision's body was here, but so were dozens of trained agents and probably hundreds of security cameras. Lydia was supposed to keep an extremely low profile. Going inside would do the opposite.

All of her life, she stayed hidden. What was she doing now? She would gain attention. Fury would come after her.

Lydia wasn't even a citizen of the United States. She wasn't a citizen of anywhere. In fact, she didn't even exist. That was because of Nick, who erased her from existence. It was the best way to keep Hydra. Hydra knew what she looked like. The white hair gave her away.

The GPS was telling them they would be there any moment. This was it. There was no going back. She glanced at Wanda, eyes scanning her features. Skin paler than normal. Jaw clenched. Eye bags. 

But beautiful.

If Lydia were to be locked away again, that was okay. She would only change one thing. On the day of Tony's funeral, she said something to Clint. Something she regretted the moment it fell from her mouth. Her anger had gotten the better of her, harsh words directed at someone who did nothing wrong.

Clint didn't deserve that. It wasn't his fault. He deserved to be here just as much as Natasha. Lydia wanted him back. She needed him back. But he would probably never talk to her again, and that was what Lydia deserved.

The car came to a stop. Lydia was torn away from her thoughts. They were here, at SWORD headquarters. "Wanda," Lydia grabbed her hand, stopping her from getting out. She knew her friend was angry and wanted to ensure this was the right choice. "Are you sure about this?"

"I'm getting him back," Wanda's voice didn't waver. "You can stay here. I know you're uneasy about being seen."

"No," she shook her head. "Where you go, I go. Okay? We are in this together." Wanda tried to smile at her, but it was forced. Lydia nodded and pushed open the car door. However, Wanda was already on the move towards the building. She stumbled after her but kept pace as they marched towards the building.

The building was enormous and overly white. The parking lot was full of expensive cars. Ones Tony would have owed. Perhaps he had once. Their older red vehicle stood out against the rest. Lydia swooped up her hair and tied it in a makeshift ponytail. Using a headband, she attempted to cover as much of her hair as possible. SWORD wouldn't know about her yet. It wouldn't be long until they did. What was in the SHIELD database about her was still unclear.

As they approached the building, Lydia noticed all the men in suits. Without warning, Wanda flung open the front doors. Lydia gasped, not expecting it. The Sokovian woman wasn't afraid of attention. 

Stepping inside was an experience all in itself. Screens were playing different news stations. People were walking around with badges and guns. Wanda marched toward the front desk, slamming her hands down. "I'm looking for someone," she began. "Vision. I know he is here."

"I'm sorry," the man behind the desk said. "What was your name?"

Wanda ignored him. "I need to know where you are keeping him."

Recognition flashed across his face. He knew Wanda. "I don't think I can help you-"

"We are looking for The Vision," Lydia spoke quickly, more calmly than her friend. "Where are you keeping him? We just want to see him, and then we'll be on our way, okay?" It wasn't the truth, but it didn't matter. People around them glanced in their direction, but most carried on.

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