Chapter 7

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The doctor was downstairs with Wanda, and Lydia took the opportunity to have a moment alone. Glancing at the box of hair dye, she waited on the edge of the tub as the color set into her hair. Her hair was white, unnaturally white. Now that the entire world was colorful, it stood out. Agnes had mentioned it was pretty, but the blonde look was Dottie's thing. Lydia didn't want to make things harder for Wanda and Vision now that they were expecting a baby.

The timer went off signaling it had been twenty minutes. Lydia hopped up from the tub and set the magazine on the counter. Turning on the water, she took the cap off her head. Stepping into the shower, she began to wash out the black hair dye. The white title below her turned a murky brown as the color pooled against her feet.

Lydia hummed quietly as she massaged her scalp. Today her hair felt longer than it had been the previous few days. However, it was due to her previous curls. Each day was different than the last. Everything was changing. It was constantly changing. Although everything was perfect in Westview, Lydia couldn't help but feel as if something was missing. Everything she ever needed was here with her now, but still, something felt off. She kept her thoughts to herself, not wanting to upset Wanda. The woman had been so generous to let her stay with them.

Grabbing the conditioner, she poured it into her hand and combed her fingers through the knots. Coloring her hair had been easier than she expected. As if she must have done it before, but Lydia didn't remember, but it was clear she had. In fact, she didn't remember anything until a few days ago. Her brain was full of knowledge but no reason. As if she woke up a fully developed person without a single memory of anything before Westview. There had to be more. She just knew it.

Once the conditioner was entirely out of her hair, Lydia turned the shower off. Grabbing her towel, she twisted her hair and let it rest on top of her head. Taking a second towel, she began to wipe off the excess water.

The room was silent. The only sound was of Lydia's humming. It was an old tune, one she remembered learning. But where? Trying not to think about it, she slipped on her high-waisted flared jeans and a red shirt with a wave pattern. It was the only item hanging up in her closet this morning. Lydia wasn't entirely sure how it worked. Every day she woke up with one outfit hanging up in her closest.

Deciding not to think about it, she pulled the towel off her head. To her dismay, Lydia saw her hair was not black. Her hair was white. So white it looked like dye had never touched it before. Lydia slowly felt her hair. "That's not possible." However, it seemed to be. Her hair was exactly the same as it was when she woke up. She wasn't sure what was happening, and her heart began to race. Throwing open the door, she ran down the stairs. "Wanda? Wanda!"

"Lydia," Wanda called from the storage room. The girl ran inside, but the fear dissipated from her mind seeing the nursey. The walls were painted purple stripes, and there was a stork printed on the wall.

"Wow," a smile appeared on her face. "This looks amazing."

"Well, thank you." Wanda pushed up from her chair.

She gasped seeing her stomach, "Wanda, you're huge!"

Vision closed the book he was reading, "she's already sixth months." Lydia's lips parted, not expecting that in the slightest. It was only last night did they realize Wanda was pregnant. Now she was over halfway done. "If she continues down this path the statistics say that Billy will be here Friday afternoon."

"Tommy," Wanda corrected.

Lydia was still trying to process how soon Friday was. That was three days away. "That's so soon."

"I know," Wanda was thrilled. "What were you calling for?"

"What?" She had already forgotten. "Oh. I tried to dye my hair, but look." Lydia gripped the ends of her hair and forced them into Wanda's face. "It's still white!"

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