Chapter 27

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Everything had been perfect for a while. But the change was slow. Her dreams, once filled with laughter and love, were now gone. Each night, Lydia's dreams were nothing but darkness. Natasha, Tony, and Wanda weren't there to greet her anymore. It was just a vast amount of nothingness. It made her feel empty. It made her feel alone. Even the nightmares were more comforting than the vast amount of nothingness that began to fill her mind each night. Lydia would rather dream of dying, as she had been for weeks because at least in those dreams, she got to hear Wanda's voice and see her face. It was always Wanda, staring at her before she woke up.

Her dreams were glimpses into another life, one where she still had her most precious loved ones. But it was never reality. Now, not even her dreams brought her comfort.

Lydia assumed the dreams stemmed from her desire to find Wanda again. She was somewhere in the world. They needed to find each other. That's how things were supposed to be. They were supposed to be together. She knew that. She also knew Wanda knew that.

Lydia sometimes wondered why Wanda hadn't come looking for her. They left each other in Westview, but she always thought Wanda would come back. So why didn't she? Had she moved on? Found something better? It seemed she had. Lydia was happy for Wanda, truly. After everything she had been through, she deserved a life full of happiness, even if she wasn't a part of it.

But everything was going well for Lydia. Her life was almost perfect. Of course, there were things she would change. However, it was far better than it had been in the past. She had a great home with Happy, good friends, and a safe crime-free life. What more could she need?

Wanda, she thought. Lydia wanted Wanda. But they were on different paths now, and she had to learn to live with that. It was easier to believe it was for the better. After Westview, their relationship changed. The trust between them was broken, but Lydia knew now that Wanda never wanted to hurt her. In fact, it was the opposite. Wanda protected her. She gave her a family when she had done. Kept her safe from threats. Freed her mind of its pain. Wanda protected her. That was real love.

Lydia couldn't see that then, but she could now. One day, when their paths crossed again, she knew things would be different, that she would be different. For now, that hope was enough.

"Kid," the voice belonging to Happy. "The hell are you doing awake at three in the morning?" She was curled beside the window, knees tucked into her chest.

"Would you believe me if I said I was admiring the view?"



Happy sighed, slowly approaching her. "You okay?"

That was a complicated question. "I'm totally fine."

It didn't take a genius to know she was lying. Happy wasn't about to let her suffer alone. His feet padded against the cold tile floor as he grew closer. "Want some tea?"

"No, thank you." Lydia didn't want tea. What she wanted were her dreams. She wanted to see Wanda again. At least in her dreams, they were together.

"You always want tea." Happy knew something must have been bothering her more so than usual. "What's going on in that head of yours?" There was a lot. She couldn't stop thinking about everything going on inside her mind. "Lydia?"

"I was having," she tried to find the right word. "Nightmares. Very vivid dreams of death and destruction." He crossed his arms, listening closely. "But they're gone now."

Happy wasn't understanding. "That's good, right?" He assumed she wouldn't want to dream that anymore.

"I thought so, at first." But now, they just made her miss Wanda more. "But now I just sleep, and my mind drifts to a place of total darkness. It's just an endless nothing." It seemed ridiculous to be upset, but it was her only connection to Wanda. "The nightmares brought me more comfort because at least then I could see the people I loved."

Happy finally understood what was wrong. "I used to dream of Tony." He sat down beside her. "After he died, it felt like he was still here. Sometimes I'd wake up and think he still was." Lydia observed him as he spoke. "But he isn't. Dreams are not reality. They're just dreams. This," he gestured to the area around them. "This is reality. Your life is what you choose to make of it. If you're unhappy with something, change it. If you want something, get it."

She smiled at him, resting her chin on her knee. "When did you get so wise?"

That caused him to laugh. "What do you mean? I've always been wise." It was her turn to laugh. "You know what? There's something I want to show you."

That got her attention. "What is it?"

"Something Tony left behind for you." Instantly, she stood up. "I was going to wait for the right time, but I think now is the perfect time." The girl followed Happy to the next room. It was a room she didn't venture into much because there was a few pieces of Stark technology stored inside. It only reminded her of Tony. "I was around Tony a lot after the Accords incident." Lydia stood behind him, nervously fiddling with her fingers. "He really missed you, more than the others." The revelation caused her heart to ache. "But he always knew you'd come back." Happy pulled out a briefcase, setting it on top of a box. "And he wanted you to have a suit."

"A suit?" Lydia had always wanted a suit. It was something each of the Avengers had. It was more than a costume. It was a symbol.

"Yeah." Happy didn't open it. "He said that you once told him what you liked. A bunch of colors and stuff." Lydia smiled as the memory came to mind. They had that conversation a long time ago in the tower. It was the day she started viewing him as a friend. "Anyway, he came up with something for you. I'm sure it will still fit." Happy tapped the briefcase. "It's here whenever you're ready." He stopped himself. "To look at. You're not going to be in any more fights."

Lydia chuckled. "No, I think those days are over." She was never meant to be a hero. That much was clear to her, but that was okay. "Thanks, Happy."

"Of course, kid." He placed a hand on her cheek. "Take your time, and get some rest."

"Yeah, I will." With that, Happy left her alone. Lydia took a step closer, her fingers gliding over the metal of the suitcase. They then came to rest on the lock.

She waited a moment. And then another. But nothing happened. She couldn't get herself to open it. It didn't feel right. Tony should be here to give this to her. He would have given her some big hero speech and then dramatically opened the container to reveal the suit and then crossed his arms as he waited for praise.

Lydia smiled to herself, feeling her emotions get the better of her. She moved away from the lock and grabbed the handle. Knowing she had a suit from Tony was enough. There would come a time when she was ready to open it, but today wasn't that day.

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