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The warm weather was refreshing. The trees swayed in the wind. The world was in balance, at least for the moment. The Barton farm was a secure and safe location. It was meant to keep Clint and his family safe. It severed its purpose well.

When Stephen Strange returned home, he had a difficult task. He had to tell Happy that Lydia wasn't coming back. To say he took the news badly would be an understatement. It wasn't like when May died. Losing Lydia was worse. It was a pain like no other. He was barely able to process the information.

But he did. He learned. He processed.

But he never understood.

Lydia loved Wanda. Wanda loved Lydia. So, how could she kill her? It didn't make sense to him. It didn't help that her body was left behind. Buried under rubble in an unknown location.

Lost forever.

Still, he wanted a place to mourn her—a place with a headstone and her name, which very few people knew. Still, she mattered. Lydia mattered to people. She helped save the world.

She was his world.

He had to inform Ned and MJ, who were devastated by the news. But there was still someone else who also cared about her. Clint. He loved Lydia, even though she had left. Telling him would not be easy. However, he needed to know.

Happy stood in front of the vehicle, adjusting his tie. Being here felt wrong, but he knew Lydia would have wanted this. It wouldn't have been fair to let Clint believe she was out there somewhere. Alive and happy. Two things she would never be again.

He stepped on the front porch, taking a deep breath. Raising his hand, he knocked twice. There was shuffling inside, and then after a moment, the door swung open. It was a woman, Laura. "Hi," she smiled at him.

"Hi," he responded. "My name is Happy Hogan. I used to work for Tony."

Her smile slipped. "Oh, what can I do for you?"

"I need to speak with Clint. Please, it's urgent." Happy was nervous about being here, but he tried to think about Lydia and what she would have wanted.

"Right." Laura wasn't thrilled about his surprise visit but didn't send him away. "Please, come in." Happy stepped into the residence. He tried to shake off his discomfort, but that was impossible. His chest tightened at the sight of the family photos that surrounded him. "Let me get Clint."

"Okay." Laura walked away, leaving him alone.

Happy sighed, combing his finger through his hair. He never imagined this, any of it. He never imagined taking Lydia in over a year ago or carrying for her this much. It was never in his plan, but it happened. He rescued the girl that Tony became fascinated with. Who he had taken under his wing and vowed to protect. The girl who became his own. Because she was. Lydia was his kid.

Happy lost his kid. He lost her.

"Happy," Clint addressed him as he entered the room. Happy turned to face him. There was a young girl behind him with black hair.

"Clint," he stared at the girl. "Who's this?"

"No one-"

"I'm Kate," she spoke quickly. "Hi."

Happy didn't care much for the girl. Even if things were different, he would still feel that way. "Look man," Clint stepped closer. Kate stayed by his side, but Laura stood a few feet away. "This is a wasted trip for you. I'm not coming back-"

"I'm not here on official business or anything like that." Happy blinked a few times, forcing the tears away.

"Oh." Clint wasn't expecting that. "Then why are you here?"

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