Chapter 2

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They say there are five stages of grief: anger, denial, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

Lydia had no idea what stage she was in. Somewhere past denial, but not entirely through her anger. It seemed she was somewhere between anger and depression. Wanda was in the angry stage. Lydia couldn't blame her. They weren't any closer to finding Vision. It seemed impossible. 

But even if they found Vision, Lydia feared what would happen after. What would happen next? Would Wanda leave? Would she be on her own?

Lydia didn't know her life's purpose anymore, but she was alive. Natasha had died to give her a life. She couldn't waste it. For now, her biggest priority was figuring out where Vision's body was.

It didn't mean she felt better. If anything, it made her feel worse. Wanda would leave for hours at a time, leaving Lydia alone to think about the events that had recently transpired. She was tired of people leaving. People she thought never would, did. Steve had looked her right in the eyes and never said a word. He left her, and he didn't even say goodbye.

Lydia missed Clint more than anything, but she was still so angry with him. It wasn't his fault Natasha died. She knew that. But she still spoke to him selfishly. Clint would never talk to her again, and Lydia deserved that. Her biggest fear now was losing Wanda. She had nobody else besides her. And if Lydia lost her too, then she feared she would lose herself.

A burning sensation erupted in her chest. Lydia struggled to breathe, falling to her knees as she gripped the carpet. Tears began to fall down her cheeks. The ringing in her ears intensified.

She never heard the front door opening or Wanda's keys jingling. However, Wanda could hear Lydia's labored breathing from the hallway. Immediately, she dropped the brown bag on the table. Rushing into the living room, it took only seconds to find her. "Lydia!" Wanda dropped to her knees in front of her. 

"W-W-" Lydia couldn't speak.

"Hey, hey." The Sokovian woman grabbed her face, tilting her head up. "Look at me." Lydia blinked away her tears. Wanda held her face tightly, a frantic look in her eyes. "I need you to breathe, okay? Take a breath." Lydia nodded, trying to do as she was told, but it was hard. Wanda could feel that pain in Lydia's heart, having been able to feel it since the battle. Lydia's walls that guarded her mind were shattered, allowing Wanda to see inside her head. "It's okay. Breathe. I'm right here with you." Lydia stared at Wanda and copied her breathing. In. Out. In. Out. "You're okay."

"I'm okay," Lydia muttered. "I'm okay." Wanda nodded but stayed still while the white-haired girl calmed down. It took a few more breaths until her heartbeat began to slow. "I'm sorry-"

"Hey," Wanda cut her off. She used her thumbs to wipe away the tears on Lydia's cheeks. "Do not apologize. You've done nothing wrong."

Lydia looked down. "I miss Natasha." It felt like a secret. Like a thought she wasn't supposed to voice.

"I know."

"Do you think the pain will ever go away?"

"I hope so." The silence that followed was heavy. "I got dinner. Are you hungry?" The shift in the topic was quick but needed.

"No," Lydia sighed. She wasn't hungry, didn't have the stomach for it. "I'm not hungry."

"That's fine," Wanda assured her. "Why don't we watch a movie or something?"

"Okay. That sounds great." A movie sounded like something that would help Lydia get her mind off everything. She needed a distraction, and Wanda was willing to provide one.

"Okay." Wanda moved closer and kissed her forehead gently. "Come on." Grasping her hand, she helped Lydia off the floor. Walking over to the couch, they both sat down. Wanda grabbed a pillow and placed it on her lap. Then she patted the cushion, a signal. "Lie down, Lydia. Try and relax." Lydia did as told, too tired to argue. Setting her head on the pillow, she watched as Wanda turned on the small TV. "What do you want to watch?"

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