Chapter 10

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When Wanda returned she was in a cheerful mood, which only seemed to alarm her. Lydia parted from them on a split road, promising to search for Sparky as best she could. He could be anywhere in the town, and they needed to part ways to find him before it got dark.

But the time away from Wanda allowed Lydia to reflect on her emotions. There was something about Westview that wasn't normal. Something that didn't feel right, and she needed to figure out what that was. Lydia felt as if a piece of her was missing. As if she wasn't entirely whole inside.

Lydia didn't know her last name. She didn't know who her parents were or how she got there. It all started a few days ago when she woke up in bed. There was not a single memory of anything before that moment. Nothing. Lydia had to have had a life somewhere. She had to have gone to school at some point. What did Wanda know about life outside Westview? Why was she acting as if everything was fine? Lydia had so many questions, but Wanda acted as if everything was normal. Every time she began to question her emotions, they changed. As if the thoughts had been erased and replaced with the feeling of peace.

It was growing dark. She had no idea how she had ended up in the center part of town. Lydia searched the area, but people passed her by without a care. Dottie walked in a straight path down the street. Herb rode a bike with a pasted smile on his face. They seemed to be in some sort of daze. As if they were physically there, but mentally somewhere else. It wasn't normal. Nothing about this situation made any sense.

Lydia had an idea, a scary one. She had to leave. To get answers away from the town and figure out what happened to her memory. She had abilities, not to the same extent as Wanda, but they were there. Why didn't she use them? What was holding her back? Maybe someone out there knew who she was.

As she stepped around the corner, her body collided with someone. "Woah," Lydia fell to the ground. Her hands admitted a purple glow that prevented her fall from hurting. A person fell to the ground across from her.

"Oh," they snapped out of their trance. "My apologies, Lydia."

"It's fine, I was-" she froze. "How did you know my name?"

The man sat there for a second, contemplating his words. "Uh," he tapped his chin. "I-"

"Lydia, dear," Agnes ran towards her. "What happened?" The older woman wrapped her arms around Lydia and pulled her up from the ground. "Goodness me, you're a mess."

"I'm fine," Lydia promised. The white-haired girl was more interested in the boy in front of her. "I wasn't paying attention." The guy stood up and dusted off his hands.

"When are you ever," Agnes cackled.

"Sorry for running into you." Lydia brushed her hands on her pants. "What's your name?"

The boy swallowed the lump in his throat. He didn't say anything for a minute, but suddenly his eyes changed. As if the clouds had been blocking his vision, and he could suddenly see. "I'm Peter," he sounded uncertain.

"I'm Peter," a voice in her head echoed. "Peter Parker."

Lydia gasped, stumbling away from him. "Hey," Agnes placed a hand on her arm. "Are you all right?"

The voice faded, but it sounded familiar. As if she knew the person. "I'm fine. I just thought-" she shook her head. "Nothing. I should get back."

"Are you sure," Agnes pressed the subject.

"Yeah," Lydia needed to get home. "Yeah, nice to meet you, Peter. I'll see you around, Agnes." She moved away from them quickly. Wanting nothing more than to get home and figure out if what she heard was a memory or her imagination.


Lydia walked towards her house when she heard something in the backyard. Deciding to check it out, she walked around the house. Her eyes caught sight of Vision filling a hole. "Vision," Lydia called out. "What are you doing?"

"Burying Sparky," he sighed. "Where have you been? Wanda went looking for you, but you were gone."

She thought for a moment, "it was weird. I was walking out of town but somehow ended up in the center." Lydia wasn't exactly sure what had happened. "What happened to Sparky?"

"Lydia," Vision dropped the shovel. The tall, red man began walking towards her. "I know we've both noticed some strange occurrence since arriving." Lydia nodded, "what do you remember outside of Westview?"

"Just Wanda," she muttered. "It's only Wanda."

That alarmed him, "nothing else?"

"No," Lydia whispered. She had no memories of anything else. "I don't remember anything. Not even my last name."

He rubbed his chin, "do you trust me?"

"Yes," she didn't hesitate. "Of course."

Vision placed his fingers against her temple. Lydia felt a strange sensation, and then her body was overcome with grief and sorrow. The girl let out a painful cry as she stumbled back. "Lydia," Vision caught her arms before she could fall.

"What," her entire life flashed before her eyes. Everything that had ever happened to her. Hydra, Clint, Fury, Natasha, Steve, Ultron, Secretary Ross, Wanda. It was all there. Thanos was there. He killed everyone. Natasha was dead. Tony was dead. Steve was gone. "Where am I?" Tears streamed down her cheeks. "How did I get here?" Lydia glanced at the person holding her and gasped. "Oh my, Vision?" Her hands grabbed his face. Shock coated her features. "You're alive! How? How is this possible?" He was dead. Thanos had ripped the stone from his head.

"Lydia," Vision grabbed her wrists. "Focus. What do you remember?"

"Everything," she cried as she realized where they were. Lydia was in Westview with Wanda. "How are you here?" He simply stared at her, "I can't believe it." Lydia was trying to figure out what was going on when a thought appeared in her mind. She dropped her hands and began searching the area. "Is Natasha with you? Did she come back for me?" Was it possible that Natasha was alive?

"What are you talking about?"

Lydia felt hopeful at the idea of seeing her mother again. That was all she ever wanted. "We have to find her!"

As she began to turn away, Vision held her arm. "I don't know who you're talking about."

Lydia tilted her head, "what do you mean?" Vision knew Natasha well. He was close with the Avengers. He was one of them. "Do you not remember?" Vision's silence gave her the answer. Lydia remembered more with every passing second. She remembered following Wanda to SWORD and seeing Vision's body. Then they were here, and something was happening with Wanda. Did she do this? Lydia shook her head at the idea. Wanda loved her. She would never do this to her. This was cruel. This was wrong. The emotions Lydia felt were overwhelming, but the grief faded as hope-filled her. If Vision was here, then maybe Natasha and Tony were as well. "We have to find Natasha. I have to find her. You don't understand, I-"

"Vision," Herb called. "Hey, neighbor."

In a panic, Vision placed his fingers against her temple. Lydia felt the same sinking feeling, but all of the sadness inside of her left in an instant. "Hey," Vision pulled away from her. "Are you all right?"

Lydia blinked a few times, wiping her tears away. "Why am I crying?"

"Lydia," Vision whispered. "What do you remember?"

Lydia chuckled, "what are you talking about?"

"You don't remember anything, do you?" She had no idea what the man was talking about. "Nothing? You kept saying a name, Natasha. You kept saying Natasha."

Lydia raised an eyebrow, "who's Natasha?"

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