Chapter 13

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She remembered everything—every aspect of her life, both the good and the bad. Wanda was the cause of everything. She controlled everything in Westview. Lydia had no idea what to do. Her body was overcome with an immense amount of grief and sorrow.

Natasha was dead. It felt as if she had just died. As if the news of her death was brand new. It was a horrible feeling. Lydia had been in her early stages of grief when her memory was taken. Now that process had to start over. Wanda had hurt her in a way nobody had before. She took away her memories, the foundation of who Lydia was as a person. It was an invasion of every kind of privacy.

Lydia knew she would never trust Wanda again. She would never look at her the same either. How can Wanda do what she did? It was wrong. Vision was dead, but now he was back. That part wasn't clear, not yet.

She missed Natasha more than anything. The pain she felt was almost unbearable. It wasn't Wanda's place to invade her thoughts. As painful as it was to grieve the loss of a loved one, knowing that you will live on for them is almost enough. Without the memories, it meant that Natasha's impact wasn't carrying on. Lydia wanted to live for Natasha, even if the pain was immeasurable. Natasha couldn't die for nothing. Her legacy was worth more than erased memories.

Part of her wondered how Wanda could infiltrate her mind, but Lydia wasn't exactly in the mental headspace before Westview to guard her thoughts. Wanda most likely easily accessed her brain.

Lydia sat in the corner of the cell, her body hunched over as she cried. This was not how she imagined her time with Wanda after they left New York. She turned her back on the friends she did have. Sam and Rhodey were out there somewhere. Clint was out there. She thought of him. What she said to him was unforgivable. Maybe that's why nobody found her because the people left who cared about her were tossed aside when she went with Wanda. Clint would hate her forever for what she said, and she deserved that.

Lydia chose to leave, to start over with someone she called a friend. Wanda was not her friend, not after this. She cared for Wanda, more than she would like to admit. But that wasn't enough.

She was trapped, a prisoner once more. Agnes, or now Agatha, was holding her hostage. The reasons were unclear. The woman had revealed a lot to her. It was clear that SHIELD had the correct information the entire time. They knew her birth age and name. They knew her family's names. Lydia had biological siblings.

She remembered the last good memory. The last time the group was all together and smiling. It was a Tony Stark party. She came down once all the guests had left. Everyone was there, and everyone was happy. Lydia remembered every detail before Ultron made his appearance. There were smiling faces and jokes about lifting Thor's hammer.

That was the past. This was reality.

Suddenly, the ground beneath her started to shake. Lydia fell on her hands and knees, but her eyes caught sight of something on the floor. Disregarded on the ground was a necklace, her necklace. It was gifted to her from Natasha on their last day together. Lydia picked it up, her thumb gliding over the cold metal. She slipped it into her pocket.

There was another rumble from outside. Lydia felt a sense of panic rush through her. Something was happening outside, most likely to Wanda. Lydia was so angry with her, but Wanda was her best friend. And right now, she needed her.

Lydia rushed towards the door and pulled at the metal bars. They weren't going anywhere. She wasn't powerful like Wanda was. All she could do was create forcefields, which wasn't entirely useful right now. "Come on, Lydia," she whispered. "Wanda needs you. Vision and the boys need you." Raising her hands, there was a faint purple glow. It had been a long time since she used her powers. "Come on!"

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