Chapter 24

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Lydia watched the TV screen intensely. Recently, she had learned a lot. Ned had made her watch a lot of movies. The Star Wars movies were his favorite, but he also liked Star Trek. MJ had introduced her to various horror films, which she actually liked. They taught her about things the Avengers didn't, like who the most popular celebrities are. Lydia learned about the Kardashian and Jenner families.

That was mostly Ned. MJ said there were more important things than pop culture, but Ned insisted she learned these things to help her blend in. Lydia wasn't sure why people would care but never said anything. She was just pleased to be included. Happy allowed them to come over, which they often did. Peter was delighted that his friends liked the girl, and Lydia was ecstatic to have actual, non-superhero friends. It was a refreshing change. It made her feel entirely normal.

Right now, they were playing a video game. It was called Mario Kart. It was a racing game on the Wii. It looked fun, but Lydia never played. She liked to watch. Watching was easier for her. She learned better that way. MJ was beside her on the couch, writing an essay on World War 2 for her class. Luckily, Lydia knew a lot about the topic.

When she lived at the compound, Natasha insisted she obtain an education. It was incredibly important to her. Lydia hated it. She mostly hated math, but the other parts weren't so bad. Steve was partial to history, mainly because he lived through key parts. He taught her everything there was to know.

MJ got her paper done quickly, with her help. "You know," MJ began. "You're like an encyclopedia of random knowledge."

"Thank you." She wasn't sure if it was a compliment or not.

"Finish your paper?" Peter questioned without looking at her. He was too focused on the screen in front of him.

"I did, thanks to Lydia."

"Happy to help."

"Maybe you could help me with my paper," Ned grunted as he yanked the controller to the side. "Quantum physics."

"I could try. Tony taught me a little bit."

Ned sighed, "that is so cool, man." Lydia nodded in agreement. "Do you think you could introduce me to Thor? Or Dr. Bruce Banner?"

"Dude," MJ snapped. "Don't." Peter had warned them that the other Avengers were a sore topic for her. She was close with them. Now, most were gone. The ones that were around weren't in her life anymore. It was complicated and confusing, far beyond anything they could ever understand.

"I would," Lydia said. "But I have no idea what planet Thor's on or where Bruce is." Ned seemed satisfied with that answer. He didn't push further.

Thor hadn't been on her mind as much as the others. He seemed content with his life and was in the beginning phases of moving forward. She hoped he found peace. He lost everyone he loved. Lydia could relate to how that felt.

It made her wonder where the others were. Bruce and Clint could be anywhere. They were out there somewhere. Coming to terms with everything that happened. They lost the same as her. They both lost Natasha and Tony. They lost Steve. Everyone was gone. Everything was different now.

Then a thought entered her mind, or rather, a person. Wanda. The person Lydia cared for in a way she still didn't understand. They left each other in Westview. It wasn't easy. In fact, it was the hardest thing she had ever done. At the time, it felt like the right choice. Looking back, Lydia still felt that way, but she would do anything to see Wanda one last time. Even if it was just for a moment.

Suddenly, the front door opened. "Hey," Happy shouted as he entered the house.

"Hey, Happy," Peter responded.

He murmured something in response, walking into the kitchen. "Crap." MJ began packing up her belongings. "We need to go."

That got Peter's full attention. "What?"

"My shift starts soon."

That confused Lydia. "Shift?"

"Yeah," she responded. "I work at Peter Pan Donut and Pastry Shop. My shift starts soon, and we're not close." Peter and Ned began packing up their belongings.

Lydia tried to hide her disappointment but struggled. She enjoyed hanging out with her new friends and didn't want them to leave. "You should come with us," Ned suggested. "Yeah, hang out with me and Peter while she works. It would be fun." Ned liked having her around.

She was prepared to deny the invite when Peter spoke. "Dude, you know she isn't allowed to leave." The group began walking toward the front door. "It's against the rules."

"Right." Ned's shoulders dropped. "I forgot. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Lydia forced a smile. "Don't apologize. It's fine." But it wasn't fine. She felt trapped.

Happy watched the interaction, feeling a sense of guilt. He wanted to protect her from the world, but realistically, Lydia's nineteen. She can't hide away forever. It wasn't as if she had never gone out before. She had even lived on the run. Happy had no idea why he was worried.

"Lydia," Happy found himself saying. The group of four all turned to face him. "Um," he had no idea why he was about to say this. "If you want, and you promise to be safe, I don't see the harm in going out for a few hours. Just a few."

Lydia stared at Happy, almost not believing what he was saying. "Wait, really?" It came from Peter.

"Yeah," Happy placed a hand on his hip. "A few hours. But I want you back home before the sun even shows the first signs of setting. Understood?"

Lydia nodded eagerly. The brightest smile on her face. "Understood." Happy was letting her go out. She couldn't believe it.


She still couldn't believe Happy was letting her go without him. "Okay," Peter spoke. "Come on." He didn't want MJ to be late to work.

As they went to walk out the door, Happy called out to her. "Lydia." She glanced at him. "Hat."

"Oh, right." She quickly grabbed a hat off the wrack. "I'll be back soon. Bye, Happy!"

"Bye, kid. Have fun-" the door closed before he could finish.

"This is so exciting," Lydia gushed as they walked toward the elevator. MJ pressed the button. Instantly, the doors opened, and they got inside. "The only time I've been outside without adults was when I was on the run." She began tucking her hair into the hat.

"Yeah, you're definitely weird," MJ muttered. Ned elbowed her. "Ow, what? That's not a bad thing."

Lydia felt slightly nervous. This was different than all those times before. Sure, she went out with Happy or Natasha and Steve when they were on the run, but this wasn't like those times. Lydia wasn't going out with someone watching over her. She was going out with friends, like in the movies. "What's up with the hat?"

She dropped her hands. "My hair is the one thing I can't change about myself. It's the easiest way to identify me."

"Makes sense."

"That's so unbelievably awesome," Ned said as the elevator doors opened. Lydia shook off her nerves, excited to experience the day as a normal teenage girl.

As they approached the front doors, she froze. It was stupid, but this was scary for her. Every time she left, it was a risk. "Hey," Peter noticed she wasn't behind them. "What are you doing?"

"Sorry," her cheeks flushed. "It's stupid." Something so simple for them was so hard for her. "It's just a lot, you know?" They didn't. "Sorry, I don't get out much."

They tried to understand, and in a way, they did. "Take your time," Peter said. "But we're here for you."

"Hey," MJ said, tilting her head back. She placed a hand on Lydia's shoulder. "You're with us now."

At once, all the nerves left her body. "Okay," Lydia nodded. "Let's do this."

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