Chapter 28

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Halloween had come and gone. The holiday past Lydia by like all the rest. Life was vaguely normal now, except for her missing dreams. Everything felt good. She would focus on what was around her rather than the missing piece in her life. She would keep her mind off of Wanda at all costs. That was easier around her friends. MJ, Ned, and Peter were her friends, her best friends. She fit perfectly into the group. Ned often said she was the piece they had no idea they were missing.

Most days were repetitive. Peter had school five days a week. Lydia would eat breakfast with him. May worked, as does Happy. She spends her days alone, most of the time. People come and go from the condominium. In the afternoons, she hung out with Peter and Ned at MJ's work, or the four of them would go to a park or movie.

It was perfect.

Lydia sat down beside Peter, taking a bite of her cereal. Despite it being the afternoon, they were both just waking up. They had spent the previous night watching eighties slasher films. "Oh, we have Lucky Charms?" Peter was eating Cheerios.

She laughed. "My hidden stash—third cabinet from the fridge behind the crackers."

"Hidden stash?" Peter was confused. There was no reason for her to have a hidden stash. Happy always bought her whatever she needed whenever she needed.

"Happy's a night eater."

He still didn't understand but decided not to question it. As he took a moment to think about what he wanted to say next, the door flew open. "Last one." It was May. She was holding an envelope. They both realized what it was at the same time. His last college letter. They had been waiting forever for it.

"MIT?" Dum-E spun quickly, knocking over Peter's Death Star made of Legos. The action caused Lydia to jump. Peter didn't waste a second. He ran across the room and grabbed the letter from her hands. "I need to go find MJ," he began. "And Ned. I bet they got their letters too!" MJ was at work. That was across the city. If Ned got his letter, then he would go there as well. "Lydia, come on!" He ran to the door.

"What?" She was confused. "You want me to come with?"

"Well, yeah," he spoke as if it was obvious. Lydia couldn't help the smile that made its way onto her face. Peter wanted to share this very special moment with her. "Come on." He was eager. "Let's go."

"Okay." She rushed after him. It was unfair to keep him waiting. This was a big deal for him. College was the next step in his life.

"Bye May, see you later!"

"Okay." May watched the two teenagers run out the door. "Text me if you got in!"

Lydia and Peter ran down the hallway. She had a large smile on her face, feeling like a kid. It was crazy to her how much had changed over the years. Everything in her life was entirely different. In many ways, it was better. It was entirely normal.

But there were parts of the past she missed, mainly people. However, Lydia knew that Natasha would be happy. All she wanted was for Lydia to have a normal life. She had that now. It was because of her sacrifice. Lydia owed her everything.

The two teenagers got outside. "Okay," Peter said. "Hold on."

That was when she realized that he wanted to swing to the donut shop. "Wait, you want to swing there? Are you serious?" The idea terrified her.

"It's the fastest way. Hurry up." He was becoming impatient. Peter was eager to see what the letter said.

She thought about his words. Lydia nervously clapped her hands together. "You know what? You go. I'll take the subway and meet you there." Peter huffed, reframing from rolling his eyes. He was eager to get going. "And what would MJ think?" It seemed wrong.

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