Chapter 17

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Lydia stood in front of the theater, her mouth wide open as she stared at the poster in front of her. "They actually made a musical about Steve?"

Happy stared at the bright yellow poster. They were about to see Rogers: The Musical. Happy had seen the new production posters being put up and thought it was cheesy. A musical about Rogers and the Avengers seemed tacky. However, Lydia had spotted the poster on a bus and made a comment about how entertaining it would be if they ever made it real. She had no idea they had, and Happy knew that was the theater production they had to see.

They had spent the entire day together. Honestly, it was one of the best days Happy has had since he lost Tony. The last five months with Lydia had been a gift. Every day he saw a glimpse of Tony or Natasha. Their influence and guidance had shaped her into who she was today.

He was grateful to have found her. It was by chance, a gut feeling one day that made him recheck all of Natasha's old hideouts. He had been there once before, but something told him to check again. Happy now believed that feeling was Tony telling him to bring Lydia home.

"This is so cool," Lydia bounced up and down. "Where are our seats?"

"In the back," he pointed up the aisle. "Sorry, kid. I'm not rich enough for front row seats."

"No," Lydia placed a hand on his arm. "No, I'm happy with them. So happy." Before Happy could comment, she was practically skipping down the aisle.

He shook his head, following after her. "Row 23 A and B." Lydia's eyes scanned the rows until she found their seats. Without missing a beat, she sat in her spot. Happy sat down beside her, relaxing in his seat. The two sat silently as they waited for the production to start.


It was magical. Lydia watched the production with eyes full of amazement. The man was singing about New York, and there were dancers everywhere.

Lydia appreciated every moment of the production and was entirely captivated. The songs were catchy, and the choreography was amazing. Watching a theater production about the people who helped raise her and guided her through life was entertaining. Not many could say they were raised alongside the Avengers. Happy glanced at her every few minutes. He wasn't overly fond of the production, but he enjoyed watching her reaction.

Suddenly, on top of the bridge, the spotlight shined down on the group of actors playing the Avengers.

Lydia felt her smile fall at the sight of them. The sight of the people she loved now played by actors because the real versions were gone. All of them were gone now. The ones who were alive, well, Lydia knew she would never see them again. The rest were really gone.

The actor who played Tony didn't resemble him too much, but the idea of Tony and his legacy plagued her thoughts. She remembered his vibrant personality and the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled.

It wasn't until she saw the actress that plays Natasha did Lydia realize how bad of an idea this was. The actress danced around the stage, doing poor replications of Natasha's abilities. But that wasn't the issue. The actor looked so much like Natasha that Lydia momentarily forgot that Natasha was gone.

Natasha was gone, and she wasn't coming back. Lydia felt her eyes burn with tears, and she quickly launched herself out of the seat. She wasted no time rushing down the aisle to get away from the scene.

She thought she could handle this, but she couldn't.

For a moment, Lydia felt normal, but then the memories came rushing back to her. The life she knew was long gone. The Avengers were gone, reduced to a cheesy Broadway production.

Somehow, she managed to get outside. The warm air comforted her. Lydia collapsed on the steps outside the theater. Tears started to stream down her face. She felt foolish but couldn't stop her emotions from taking over.

Since losing Natasha, her life had not been easy. She was held hostage by Wanda. Although Wanda hadn't intended to hurt her, she did. Wanda was Lydia's best friend in the entire world, and not having her around was almost as painful as losing Natasha. Lydia hadn't realized how much she missed Wanda till now.

But Wanda was still alive, and there was time for them to fix things between them. "Kid," Happy rushed out of the building. "Hey, are you okay?"

Lydia quickly wiped her tears. "Yeah, sorry." She felt guilty for making him leave. "You can go back inside. I'll be there in a minute."

Happy ignored her plea to leave and sat down on the steps beside her. He could understand her feelings. He felt them as well. "I miss them too." Happy sighed, "sometimes I see things that remind me of them, and I have to remember all over again that they're gone." Lydia stared at him. "Because it's true. They are gone."

"It never gets easier, does it?"

He shook his head, "no. No, it doesn't." Lydia stared at the busy New York street in front of her. There were people everywhere. Families and couples with smiles on their faces. Happy watched her. He thought Lydia was too young to feel this kind of pain. She truly deserved better. "But there will come a day when the reminder of them doesn't cause you pain." Lydia looked forward to that day. "Tony told me to never take anyone for granted. They may be here now, but the day will come when they won't be." The words shifted something inside of her. They were true. Lydia never imagined waking up to a world Natasha wasn't in, and she never expected the last time she spoke to Tony or Steve to be the last. It caused new tears to appear. "Hey, woah," Happy said. "I didn't mean to upset you-"

"You didn't," she promised. "I just-" Lydia struggled with the words. "I should have never left Wanda the way I did." Happy knew very little about what happened in Westview. Lydia hated talking about it, and he never pushed the subject. "I should have never turned my back on her." Wanda needed her, but she left. Lydia ran because it was easier than forgiveness. There's a silence. The city around them is full of life. Lydia has never felt more lost. "I loved her," tears build up in her eyes. Lydia had experienced love before. She loved Natasha, Tony, and Clint, but the love for Wanda felt different. It always had been.

"I know."

"Like, I really loved her." Happy nods sadly. He understood, "but I think as more than a friend." Lydia shakes her head as if realizing for the first time that her love from Wanda stemmed beyond friendship. Happy wrapped an arm over her shoulders, and she leaned into his embrace. "I really miss her." Wanda was out there in the world alone because of her. Lydia should never have left her.

"That's okay."

Lydia was still upset about how things ended in Westview, but looking back, she understood. If Lydia had Wanda's abilities, she would bring back Natasha. She would never have hesitated, not even for a second. "I think I would like to go home now."

Happy smiles at her words. Lydia viewed his apartment as her home. Which it was. It was their home. "Okay, let's go home."

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