Chapter 5

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Lydia sat on the couch with a radiant smile on her face. The dress she wore was very different from the previous day. It was the same length but not nearly as poofy. The entire house was different, but she didn't mind. Although, there were more shades of grey than there had been the previous day.

"Now, ladies and gentleman, and Lydia," Vision winked at her. Lydia giggled, watching as he practiced his magic act on her. "For my last trick, I present to you the cabinet of mysteries." He spun around, but nothing happened. Lydia waited, but still, nothing. Vision glanced at her, and she shrugged. "Darling, that's your cue."

"Did you say cabinet of mysteries," Wanda asked from down the hall.

"I said the cabinet of mysteries," Vision threw his hands out. He pretended as if sparks came from the tips of his fingers.

"Oh, that's my cue." Lydia watched as Wanda wheeled out a giant cabinet. The size caught her by surprise. She hadn't been expecting something so well made.

"Wow," she was amazed. "That's amazing!"

"Holy Toldeo," Vison inspected the cabinet. It seemed he was also astonished by the item. "Darling do all the other acts in the talent show have such complex props?"

"Are you joking," Wanda walked around the item. "Fred and Linda are building a functional moat, and nobody is sure why." She waved her hands. "Keep going."

"Yes, of course. Where was I?" Vison held the wand in his hand, trying to remember what to do next. He then looked at Lydia. "Watch closely as I, illusion the master of Enigma make my captivating assistant, Glamour, vanish."

Lydia clapped her hands together happily. The two pulled open the doors, and Wanda stepped inside. "You know, you are very dashing."

"Thank you, darling," Vision smiled. He jumped to the other side, "fear not, Glamour." Wanda made a pretend fearful expression. "I promise to bring you back exactly as you are." He closed the box, trapping Wanda inside. Lydia leaned closer, entirely captivated by the scene in front of her. "Abracadabra." He tapped his wand on the door, and she waited for something to happen.

He reopened the doors, and Wanda was gone. "Wow," Lydia clapped again. "Amazing!"

Wanda pushed out from the fake door and clapped as well. "Wanda, are you not worried the audience might see through our act?"

She stepped out of the box, "well, that's the entire point." Lydia watched her closely, "in a real magic act. It is all fake." That she agreed with. "Darling, the talent show fundraiser is the single most important event of the season. As members of this community, it is our duty to the neighborhood to participate." Wanda shuffled closer to Vision, "plus, it's our chance to appear normal."

Vision pointed at his face, "I don't think that would be a problem."

"Oh, Vision," Lydia stood up and walked closer. "You look great."

Wanda smiled, wrapping an arm around the younger girl. "This is our home now. I want all of us to fit in."

"We do," Vision assured her. "We will." Lydia knew they were an odd group, but that just added character. "We will knock their socks off." He stepped away and grabbed a costume. "Even more so when you're wearing this."

"That's actually the rest of your costume."

Lydia chuckled at the comment, and Vision put the grey sparkly outfit against himself. "Oh."

Wanda glanced at her watch, "I need to get going if I want to make the planning committee meeting."

Vision grabbed his sweater and slipped it over his shoulders. "I need to leave as well." Lydia and Wanda tilted their head at the same time. "There's a neighborhood watch meeting I want to make at the library." Wanda nodded as if it made perfect sense. "After last night, I want to make sure this town's security is top-notch."

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