Chapter 33

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By the following morning, Lydia was growing anxious. She was worried about Peter and Happy. Last night, she never returned home. She stayed in the undercroft with MJ and Ned all night. They said she could leave, but staying made more sense. If anything went wrong, MJ and Ned wouldn't be able to handle themselves. They weren't like Lydia and Peter. They didn't have abilities or experience in a fight.

Stressful situations such as this brought back painful memories. When the stress became too much, she always started to crack.

"Bring her out," a deep voice spoke. However, the noise didn't bother her. She was exhausted; her body was exhausted. She was mentally drained from all the experiments they were running. "Witaj," the man snapped again. If Lydia's mind wasn't drained of its energy, she would have noticed his words weren't Russian. "I said get the girl," there was a slapping sound. "In room 2051, get her now. I won't ask again."

Lydia's mind dozed off briefly, but it was only for a moment. Her door was suddenly ripped open, and a raven-haired man walked in. "Let's go," he snapped, reaching down and grabbing her by her arm. Lydia cried as she was ripped from her room and tossed into the open space. "Get up." Lydia didn't move. "Ruszaj się." For the second time, her body was ripped from the floor.

She helplessly followed behind the man towards the chair that her body had previously been strapped to for the last seven hours. "Get her in," the Doctor spoke, gesturing towards the chair. Lydia wanted to object, but she had learned it was better to remain quiet. The raven-haired man pushed her roughly onto the seat. Lydia didn't object. As he began strapping her in, she noticed the Doctor pulling out a box she had never seen before.

Just as quickly as he pulled the box out, he was turning towards her. "Hello, my beautiful," he stepped closer. He reached over and pushed the brown strands of hair out of her face. "We are going to try something a little different today." He placed a hand on the side of her face. "So beautiful." With that, he pulled away. "Put on the straps."

Lydia watched nervously as the man grabbed a headband with metal prongs on it. She didn't fight as he put the object on her head. There were several strings attached that led to a small metal box. It had different readings on it and several nozzles. Her eyes then went to the Doctor, who had a purple syringe in his hand. The smile on his face caused Lydia's stomach to turn. He pulled down the side of her shirt but stopped his actions. The Doctor lowered his head next to her ear and whispered. "You will one day be the most powerful creature, and all of this will be worth it." He pulled away and shoved the needle straight into her chest.

"No, no," Lydia muttered to herself. "Not right now. Don't do this right now." She couldn't break down right now. She had to remain focused. "Stay focused. Stay focused. Think clearly. Breathe." The white-haired girl couldn't afford to fall apart again, not after spending so many months putting herself back together. The pain of her younger years had been behind her for so long that she had started to forget. Now, it was all returning because of her fear. The fear of the unknown. The fear of losing someone. The fear of failing.

Like she failed so many others in the past.

"Hey," MJ noticed the distant look in her eyes. She had been watching Lydia throughout the night. Noticing how she was the only one who stayed awake, almost keeping guard. How she was always on edge, always prepared for a fight. MJ couldn't begin to relate to any of Lydia's life. She had an entirely normal upbringing. She wasn't held hostage and used as a child experiment. She had a family, a place to call home. Lydia only ever lost the people she was closest to. Lydia never had a place to call home for long. "You okay?"

Lydia nodded before she spoke. "I'm fine."

"Did you sleep?"

"A bit."

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