Chapter 49

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They were running.

Running down different corridors, down staircases, around twists and turns. All in an effort to get away from Wanda. It felt surreal, like a dream—something Lydia hadn't had in months.

Because all other versions of her were dead.

It had to mean something. She knew it did. She could see it on Christine's face when she said her name for the first time.

But she couldn't focus on that right now. It didn't matter. What mattered was America. Lydia had to protect her from Wanda. "Come on," Stephen encouraged the young girl when she started to slow down. "I know it's hard, but you have to keep going." He understood what she was feeling, but there wasn't time. They had to get to the waypoint and find the Book of Vishanti.

They entered a darker room underground. Christine stopped to pull a lever, causing a door to close. "Where does that tunnel go?" There was a tunnel in front of them. It was the only way they could go.

"Under the river."

They started running again but didn't get far. The door Christine had just closed was forced open by Wanda. Lydia gasped at the sight of her friend. She didn't look human. She looked like a zombie. It was terrifying. "Go! Go, go, go, go!" The group started running, but this time it was more frantic. There was a loud bang behind her, but Lydia didn't look back. She couldn't, not when the person chasing them was Wanda.

Looking at her hurt.

Christine pressed a button for another door, but it didn't make any difference. Wanda blew a hole in the middle. Still, she tried again, but the result was the same. Wanda wasn't backing down. She was still after them.

Finally, Christine closed another door. This time they came to a stop. Water dripped from the pipes above. Lydia stared at the closed door, confused as to why Wanda didn't blast through. She had no problem doing that before. What was different now?

Her heart raced in her chest. Adrenaline coursed through her system. And all she could think was, I want to go home.

Home to Happy. Home to her friends. Home to her recently painted bedroom with her cameras and books. Home to movie nights and pizza boxes scattered across tables. Home to board games and blasting records until midnight, dancing in the kitchen until her cheeks hurt from smiling.


Lydia wanted to go home.

But she's not home. She's here in another universe, being hunted by her best friend, the person who had a hold on her heart that she couldn't shake no matter what she did.

To her horror, Wanda emerged from the shadows. She screamed, loud and high-pitched, like something out of a horror movie. America had the same reaction. Wanda limped toward them. Eyes red and covered in black and red liquids. Lydia was positive it was blood.

"I warned you," Wanda said, breathing heavily. Christine pushed the two young girls behind her.

"Other Wanda, if you're in there, hold your breath." Stephen waved his hands and slammed them into the ground. The ceiling glowed above Wanda, who looked up.

"Come on!" Christine pushed the two girls backward as the ceiling caved in. The group ran, followed by Stephen, into another room. The door closed behind them, keeping them safe from the water.

"Did that kill her?" Lydia could hear the hopefulness in America's words, and it pained her.

"No, just bought us some time." She shouldn't be relieved, but she is. Lydia didn't want to lose Wanda. She couldn't.

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