Chapter 30

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Lydia wanted to leave. Everything inside of her was screaming to run home. To go to where Happy was. Yet, she didn't. She couldn't because a part of her was afraid. She didn't know Stephen Strange well. Peter had told her stories about what happened during his fight with Thanos. Stephen gave up the time stone to keep Tony alive. The one thing he was tasked with protecting, he gave up. He trusted Tony.

They also fought Thanos together. It didn't matter if they didn't know each other. They had shared trauma. That was enough to keep her in the dark room. She had to make sure he was okay.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang behind her. The white-haired girl screamed, falling back onto her butt. Behind her, in some kind of container, was a large creature. It looked like a giant lizard. The creature looked startled at the sound of her scream.

"I'm sorry," Stephen clapped his hands together. He was out of breath. Lydia hadn't noticed him appear, too focused on the creature. "What are you still doing here?"

"You said I could stay." She was starting to regret her choice. He never had a chance to speak. "And I wanted to make sure you got back okay." Stephen blinked a few times, mouth opening and closing like a fish. This girl, who he barely knew personally but had a vast amount of knowledge about, waited for him. She didn't know him, but it didn't matter. She cared. "So, are you?"

"Am I what?"


Stephen blinked a few times. "Yeah, it's just a cut. I'll heal."

Lydia offered him a kind but eerily familiar smile. It was a smile he had seen before on someone else. "Okay, I'll go. I just-" she paused. "Sorry, I just-"

"I know, kid." And he did know. He knew a lot about Lydia, more than he probably should. She was just a kid who had lost so much. "Thank you." She nodded, unsure of what to do next. "Stand back. I'm afraid we're not entirely finished. I've detected another one of those things with Peter."


She wasn't sure why he wanted her to stand back but didn't argue. The girl moved back, stepping away from Stephen. He waved his hands, creating an opening. Throwing his arm forward, someone appeared. It was Peter. He was wearing a different outfit than before. His tie was cut, and his hair was sticking up. He seemed confused as to how he got here.

"Peter," Lydia said. He screamed. The lizard threw itself against the force field. Not expecting it, the boy jumped. Someone else was with them now—a man with four long tentacles sticking out of his back. He was in a container of his own. Lydia wasn't sure who he was. He appeared when Peter did.

Stephen grabbed his shoulder. Peter jerked back, screaming louder. If the situation wasn't as confusing, she would have laughed. However, Lydia had no idea what was going on. That seemed to be a recurring pattern. She never knew what was happening, and nobody ever bothered to explain.

"Be careful what you wish for, Parker." Stephen was still out of breath.

"Let me out of here," the man banged on the force field.

Peter looked between them. "Can someone explain to me what is going on?" Lydia was wondering the same thing.

"That spell you messed up. The one where you wanted everyone to forget that Peter Parker is Spider-man. Well, it started pulling everyone in who knew that Peter Parker is Spider-man from every universe."

"From every universe?" Peter questioned.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"I think it's better we don't engage with them because, frankly, the multiverse is something we know very little about."

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