Chapter 50

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"No!" Wanda screamed in realization seconds later. Lydia took a moment to breathe, trying to process what was happening. It all happened so quickly. One second she was trying to get to America, and the next, a spike was sticking out of her chest. "No, no! This wasn't how this was supposed to go. No!"

"Wanda," Lydia whispered, blood pooling in the back of her throat.

Wanda waved her hand, the spike vanishing. Her body fell toward the ground, but Wanda caught her. "No," she cried, moving frantically and desperately. "I can fix this-"

"Don't," Lydia gasped for air. The pain wasn't nearly as bad as it had been a moment ago, but breathing was almost impossible. "It's okay." Wanda stared at her, almost looking like her old self. The version Lydia knew best. "It's okay. This was always how it was supposed to happen." It was hard to talk. Any energy she had left over from the fight was quickly leaving her. There wasn't much time left, but still so much she wanted to say.

Wanda's lip quivered as she shook her head. "We were supposed to be together. You were supposed to come with me. We were going to be a real family this time." That was never going to happen. Just like in all the other universes, Lydia was dying. "You can't leave me. You can't. Not again. You promised." But she would. Lydia knew she would.

"It's okay. It's supposed to happen this way." She was always supposed to die. "There's good in you, Wanda. I've seen it." She started to choke on the blood. It tasted bitter in her mouth. Wanda touched her pale lips with her fingers. "I love you. I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner."

Wanda's warm breath hit her face. She bent closer, foreheads touching for a moment. Wanda blinked a few times, tears falling onto Lydia's cheeks. "Lydia, let me fix you. I can fix you." Wanda lifted her hand, but her magic was pointless. Even facing death, Lydia's force field was too strong. "Stop it. Stop it. I can save you."

"You did so well, honey," the gentle voice of Natasha Romanoff echoed deep in her mind. A strange warmth settled in her chest. Lydia felt a smile tug at her lips. She could hear Natasha. She could hear her mother. "It's okay. You can rest now."

"You can't," she whispered with a sad but genuine smile. She was not afraid, not when she knew Natasha was waiting for her. Not when Wanda was holding her. How could she be scared when Wanda was holding her so close? Lydia could hardly see. Everything was becoming too bright. But she could still make out the faint outline of Wanda. Knowing that would be the last thing she ever saw comforted her. "I'm already gone."

And with that, the last of her energy left her.

"Lydia?" Wanda stared into her eyes, void of life and love. "Lydia, come on." Nothing. She was gone. Lydia was dead. The wail she let out shook the building. America screamed as her body raised in the air once more.

In her quest for power, she never expected to kill the last person she loved. She had planned to bring Lydia with her, wipe her memory and start a happy life together. That would never happen. "No!" Lydia was gone. Wanda touched her cheeks, her nose, and her lips. "I love you too. So much. More than I should. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, my love. I'm sorry, Lydia."

Lydia Romanoff was gone, killed at the hands of the person she trusted most. By the person she loved most.

When Stephen appeared a few minutes later, Wanda was still there, but the rage inside of her was worse than ever. "Dream walking, you hypocrite!"

They fought.

Stephen managed to get the upper hand, and Wong appeared last minute to help. All the while, Lydia laid there on the cold stone floor. White hair mixed with the blood that now covered her body. How she managed to stay alive for so long after the spike went through her chest would forever remain a mystery.

Instead of taking America's power, Stephen inspired her. He believed in what she could do, and that was enough. America was able to create a portal into another universe, revealing the Scarlet Witch to Billy and Tommy, showing them what kind of person Wanda was.

She wasn't their mother. They already had a mother. She scared them. Revealed herself as a monster. A monster that was created by the Darkhold.

In the end, it was enough. It worked, bringing back the Wanda that Lydia knew best.

Still, it didn't matter in regard to Lydia. She was still dead. Still on the cold stone floor, eyes open but void of her natural warmth. No longer inspiring happiness and smiling at her own cheesy jokes. She would never do any of those things again.

The building shook around them. "What now?" America asked Strange.

"Get out of here," was his response.

"I'll find you."

An arrow necklace had been ripped off of Lydia at some point. America picked it up. Specs of blood covered it. She clutched the item in her hand tightly, taking a deep breath. Sliding it into her pocket, she created a new portal. "We have to go. Now!"

"Lydia." Wong looked back at the girl. They couldn't leave her behind. They would never find her again.

"Please," Wanda found herself begging as Wong went to pick her up. America stared sadly at the white-haired girl. She had lost the very first friend she had ever made. "Leave her here with me, please. She's all I have. All I want." Wong glanced at Stephen, who nodded in response. America and Wong entered the portal, which closed behind them. Wanda waved her hand, bringing Lydia onto the podium with her.

She smiled down at Lydia, who looked angelic in the dark lighting. Even dead, she was beautiful. Wanda had never meant to kill her. It was the last thing she wanted. It was never supposed to happen, and she would never be able to forgive herself.

Lydia was dead, and it was all her fault.

Wanda raised her hand, pushing her white hair out of her face. She leaned down, kissing Lydia's forehead, which was still warm. Her eyes locked with Stephen, who watched her actions carefully. "Thank you." He didn't speak. "I opened the Darkhold. I have to close it. Nobody will ever be tempted by it again."

And with that, Wanda raised the temple's roof and began to destroy the building.

Wanda gazed down at the girl once more and tugged her into her arms as the building caved in. "I love you," Wanda whispered into her hair. "I wish I had told you before." A part of Wanda had always loved Lydia. It wasn't until Westview that she realized why. "Don't worry, my love. We will be together again."

And with that, the building collapsed entirely, burying both of them in the rubble.

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