Chapter 11

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Lydia walked down the stairs early the following morning, failing to notice the body on the couch underneath the stack of blankets. "Aunt Lydia," Billy jumped up from the kitchen table. "Do you like my costume?"

"You look great," she smiled at him. "Why are you dressed up?"

"It's Halloween," Tommy laughed. "Obviously."

"What are you dressing up as?" Lydia hadn't realized it was already Halloween. It felt as if it was still August, which it had been a few days ago. "Aunt Lydia?"

She blinked a few times, "I'm not sure. I've never celebrated Halloween before. What should I be?"

"You've never celebrated Halloween before? Why not?"

Lydia opened her mouth to respond, but no words came out. She didn't remember anything before. "Doesn't matter. Why don't you help your mom pick me out something cool?"

Billy's eyes seemingly brightened, "okay!" He quickly rushed out of the room to find his mother.

Tommy sighed, "I should go make sure he doesn't mess it up." Lydia huffed out a laugh, shaking her head as the twin chased after his brother. She wondered if she had ever celebrated Halloween before. Why couldn't she remember? And how was it already October when a few days ago it was August? Nothing about Westview made sense.

Lydia spun around, but her face came mere inches from someone else. The girl gasped, stumbling backward. "Woah," the man grabbed her. She stared at him, raising an eyebrow. "I guess I already have you falling for me."

She pushed away from him, "who are you?"

"I'm Pietro," he stuck his hand out. "Wanda's insanely attractive twin brother." Lydia squinted, not remembering that Wanda had any siblings. "What's your name, gorgeous?"

She hesitantly shook his hand, "I'm Lydia."

"Lydia," he waited for more. "No last name?"

"No last name," she repeated. "Can I ask what you're doing here?"

"Wanted to see my sweet sister," he tried to be casual. "Would have visited sooner if I knew she had a super hot friend staying with her." Lydia wasn't sure what to make of his words. "Say, you got a boyfriend?"

"Uh," she took a step back. "I'm going to find Wanda now."

Peter nodded, "whatever you say, babe." Lydia walked away from him quickly, wanting to find her friend. Taking the stairs two at a time, she headed down the hallway that led to her room.

"Wanda," the girl called from the hallway. "I'm coming in." Rather than waiting for a response, Lydia opened the door. Wanda stood in front of her mirror in pink leggings and a red leotard. "Uh, what are you wearing?"

"Why aren't you dressed yet," Wanda spun around. "We have to leave soon."

"What? It's morning."

Wanda crossed her arms, "it's almost five o'clock." That wasn't possible. "Now, get dressed."

"I don't have a costume. I didn't even know it was Halloween," she threw her hands in the air. "I thought it was August." That wasn't why Lydia came upstairs. "Why is your brother downstairs?"

Wanda clapped her hands together, "you met Pietro? Great! He showed up last night after you went to bed."

"Last night?" Lydia stared at her friend.

"We need to get you into costume," Wanda laughed. "You do want to walk with us, right? We can chat while the boys trick or treat."

"Yeah, I'll go," Lydia wanted to get out of the house. She had questions for Wanda, and this would be the perfect time to ask them.

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