Chapter 8

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Lydia sat crouched under the kitchen table with Wanda and Vision. The rain was still pouring down. "Well, I did recently read the advantages of a water birth."

She rolled her eyes and readjusted herself on the floor. Suddenly the rain stopped. Lydia stuck her hand out to make sure. With confirmation it had stopped, the white-haired girl crawled out from under the table. "Thank goodness."

"Let me help you up." Vision grabbed onto Wanda's arm and pulled her from the ground.

Lydia shook her arms in an attempt to shake off the water. "Well, too bad I already showered today."

"This place is a mess." The entire house appeared to be wet. Wanda waved her hands, throwing the back doors open. There was a powerful wind that followed, and Lydia felt herself being pushed back. In an attempt to stay grounded, she grabbed onto Vision. The two struggled against the powerful force of wind. Meanwhile, Wanda stood with her arms out as if it was nothing.

Lydia's hair flew into Vision's face, and he struggled to get around it. Just as fast the wind was gone. She pulled her dry hair to the side. "Sorry, Vis."

"It's quite alright."

"Much better." Wanda suddenly groans in pain. Lydia had momentarily forgotten she was in labor. "Darling, do you think it's time-"

"To call the doctor? I do." Vision was in the kitchen quickly. He picks up the landline, and Lydia waits a moment, unsure of what to do next. A lot is happening at once, and she's unprepared. They wait for a moment, but nothing happens. "Crap. The phones are still down. I better run over. I hope I can catch him before he leaves for vacation."

"Vacation? At a time like this?"

"Well, in his defense, the baby is multiple months early. I better get going." Vision is almost unsure about leaving Wanda, but then he glances at Lydia. "Lydia will take good care of you. Right, Lydia?"

"Hm? Oh yes, I can." However, Lydia has never delivered a baby before, and she hoped Vision would get back in time so that she doesn't have to add that to her resume right now. Vision seemed satisfied with her answer and rubs Wanda's belly. He places a gentle kiss on her head before dashing out the door.

Wanda groans in pain again and starts breathing weirdly. Lydia remains frozen in her spot. This entire situation was slightly overwhelming. She had no idea what to do. Before Lydia can say anything to help calm her, there was a noise in the nursery. "What was that?"

"I don't know." The noise appeared again. It almost sounded like a bird. They began slowly walking towards the room, but the doorbell rang. Wanda jumped into Lydia, who laughed at her reaction. "Oh, shoot."

Lydia realized nobody knew she was pregnant. It would be hard to explain how overnight Wanda got this large. "I can get it. Stay hidden."

She rushed towards the door and yanked it open. On the other side was Geraldine. "Lydia, what's up?"

"Hey," she made sure to keep her body in front of the opening. There was a rustling behind her from Wanda. "Listen I-"

The woman moved into the house without an invitation. "Oh, Wanda. Nice jacket. Are you making a fashion statement?" Lydia closed the door and turned around to see Wanda wearing an overly large blue coat.

"Hi, Geraldine. You know, now is not really a good time."

The woman wasn't bothered in the slightest. "It's sexy. You'll must let me borrow it someday. But first, I have to borrow a bucket. Not to wear, to use." Lydia stared at Wanda with a frightened expression. "Every pipe in my ceiling burst all at once. Now I have to bail myself out."

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