Chapter 41

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Today was Christmas eve. Lydia had never been into holidays. Halloween had become a recent exception. It was the first holiday she celebrated with Wanda and then again with MJ and Ned. It seemed Christmas would be another holiday she celebrated, only for the tradition, not all the other parts. The plan was to open presents in the morning with Happy. He was very adamant they partake in that tradition. Then Lydia would make them chocolate chip waffles while they watched a Christmas movie on TV. Later that evening, she planned to exchange gifts with MJ and Ned.

Lydia already had their presents, having gotten them weeks ago. For MJ, she got her a leather drawing book, a few mystery crime novels that Happy recommended, and a hand-knitted scarf. For Ned, she bought him a lego Darth Vader helmet and a vintage Star Wars T-shirt. Lastly, she bought Happy a few different things, including a new pair of slippers, hand lotions (which he loved but would never admit to out loud), a fun coffee mug, and as a joke, she bought him an Iron Man watch from the toy store down the street.

Overall, Lydia was pleased with her purchases and to celebrate the holiday with those closest to her.

A few days a week, Lydia waited at the donut shop with Ned for MJ to get off her shift. The three would walk back to her apartment or do various other things. That routine remained, even on Christmas eve. However, the only change being made was her plans after leaving the coffee shop. She planned on meeting Happy at a record store two blocks away. He was taking her to see a new movie, something with popular actors she didn't know the names of. Lydia planned to grab two coffees at the shop across from the record store for them to drink as they walked to the theater. The coffee at MJ's work wasn't her favorite. MJ and Ned were going to walk with her, wanting to spend more time together before splitting up for the day.

"He was totally checking you out," Lydia argued with MJ as they walked down the street.

Her white-haired was curled at the bottom. A new style that MJ had suggested. It looked good, she had to admit. That wasn't the only change. Lydia had started wearing makeup. Nothing heavy, mostly eyeshadow, mascara, and a bit of blush. It was a nice change, something that made her feel normal, maybe even a little bit pretty.

"He was not," MJ argued with a roll of her eyes, hiding her face in her long black jacket. The snowy sidewalks no longer remained an issue, but the cold was still prominent.

Lydia grinned, "he was. He was cute. You should have asked for his number."

MJ glanced at her. "Do you want me to completely embarrass myself?"

"Yes," Ned spoke jokingly.

Lydia elbowed him. "You wouldn't have embarrassed yourself. He was cute. You're pretty. Makes total sense." MJ blushed heavily, shaking her head slightly. She searched her mind, desperate to change the subject.

As the group walked down the street, two people were walking down an alley holding bags of supplies. They weren't talking, not at the moment. Too focused on walking with their bags.

Clint Barton rolled his shoulders, eyes glancing up at the exact moment Lydia happened to be walking by. She had her eyes forward, hands in the air as she spoke to two strangers. At the sight of her, Clint froze entirely. The bags in his hands fell to the floor. The girl beside him, Kate, glanced at him curiously. "What?" His expression alarmed her. "Clint, what is it? What's wrong?"

Clint shook his head, "it's not possible." Because it wasn't. Why would Lydia be casually walking around New York City? It didn't make sense. "It can't be. It can't be her."

Kate raised an eyebrow. "Can't be who?" Snapping back to reality, Clint picked up his bags and speedily trailed after the girl. "Clint!" Kate went chasing after him. "What's going on?"

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