Chapter 21

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Every news station was playing the same thing. It was hard to escape the news. Peter Parker is Spiderman. That was something Lydia already knew. They fought each other in Germany years ago. She remembered him, but she became a criminal after that. It was a long time before they saw each other again.

They fought Thanos together, staying near each other for half the fight. They were both younger than the others around them. Lydia was nearly a year older than Peter. She met his Aunt at Tony's funeral. She was very nice and beautiful. Now, they were being smeared all over the news. It wasn't fair. Peter only ever wanted to do was help people. Life hadn't been easy on him. It was important to have a secret identity. Lydia was a secret. She couldn't imagine what would happen if the world figured out who she was.

There was once a time when they learned some information. Tony held a press conference but decided against revealing her. She always appreciated that. It made her life easier. It made hiding easier. The world did not take kindly to the news. Newspaper articles were printed with titles such as Monster in the Tower. It devastated her. Lydia wasn't a monster. She was just a girl who had been dealt an unfortunate hand in life. It didn't help that she occasionally made the wrong choices, but Lydia was still a kid. She lacked social skills and a higher level of education, at least from society's standpoint. However, it could be argued that being taught science by Tony Stark, math by Bruce Banner, and history by Steve Rogers made her smarter than most.

The situation wasn't easy for Happy either. The news had spiraled and caused Stark industries to fall into the limelight, and not in a good way. They were under heavy scrutiny. The United States Department of Damage Control had to step in. Mysterio said the drones were controlled by Stark technology, which was a complete lie. He was the one controlling them, but nobody believed Peter. Mysterio was dead, and it appeared to the world that Peter had killed him.

Everything that was happening in New York spread. The news was captivating. The world had an obsession with superheroes in a way Lydia would never understand. They were real people with real problems. Half the world hated Tony. It wasn't right. He was a good person. Lydia had grown up with him. He was like family to her. He was there for her whenever she needed him.

But he was gone now, and Mysterio had tarnished his legacy. Lydia knew it was wrong, but she was happy Mysterio was dead. That way, he couldn't do any more damage.

The last two days had been incredibly stressful. Lydia was alone a lot, but it was understandable. Peter was facing all kinds of legal issues, and Happy had to help him. Lydia didn't want Peter to be in trouble.

Suddenly, the door started to click, and the alarm went off. It was early in the day. She hadn't been expecting Happy to be home so soon. However, it didn't bother her. She was thrilled. The alarm sometimes went off when Happy forgot it was set. So, the girl wasn't alarmed. "You're home early," she called out as she walked through her home. There was shuffling by the front door. "I wasn't expecting you home so soon. I haven't even-" the words caught in her throat. Turning the corner, she was stunned to see two people that weren't Happy.

Peter was equally as surprised, his eyes wide. "You-" he pointed at her. May dropped her suitcase onto the ground. The sound echoed. "What-" he didn't understand.

What happened next surprised her even more. May ran forward, wrapping her arms around her. They swayed together. "It's so good to see you." They had only met once, but May never forgot the story that Peter told her. About how a white-haired girl named Lydia saved his life.

Lydia stood there, frozen and in a state of complete shock. She had no idea what the two were doing here or if Happy knew. May let go of her, but there was still a vibrant smile on her face. None of them had a chance to say anything because Happy walked in. "Welcome to the spiritual oasis. Do you like Donkey Kong Junior?" They all stared at him. "Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention that." He was talking about Lydia. "Peter, you know Lydia. Lydia, you know Peter. Lydia lives here with me."

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