Chapter 38

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Lydia bit her lip nervously, tasting blood from the injury acquired earlier. This plan, Peter's plan, was going to work. She was sure of it. It had to work. These people from other universes deserved to live. Whether or not they were bad didn't matter. Saving them was the right thing to do. Lydia was impressed by how maturely Peter was handling the situation. Aunt May had died, and he remained strong. Lydia wished she had acted similarly after learning about Natasha's death.

Shaking her head, she pushed the thoughts out of her mind. Pain shot through her body at the movement of her head. The whiplash was still a major issue. Lydia winched, rubbing the injury. "You okay?" MJ had noticed instantly, as she commonly did.

"Fine." Lydia waved her hand dismissively. It didn't matter right now. The three Peters were on the Statue of Liberty scaffolding, waiting for the others to show. MJ, Ned, and Lydia were at the school, but there was a portal connecting them. Lydia was ordered to stay near the portal with the others until they had the box. Once they did, she would jump through so Ned could close the portal. As much as Peter wanted her to stay with them, there was a chance she could be useful. Her abilities could protect them. Lydia wanted to help. It didn't matter that she was hurt.

"Are you sure?" MJ placed a hand on her shoulder. "Do you need to sit down?"

"MJ," Lydia spun around. "I'm fine, really. I've dealt with worse." She was tortured as a child, forced to endure far worse. Still, the pain wasn't pleasant. It had been a very long time since she was this weak. She barely had the strength to remain standing. Using her abilities wouldn't be easy.

MJ nodded a few too many times, almost convincing herself. "Right, sorry." She had to remind herself that Lydia knew more about this life than anyone. "Sorry. I just worry."

Lydia blinked, lips parting. MJ reminded her of, well, her. A younger version, one that was forced to stay behind while her friends fought in battles. Always worrying about them when they returned. Wanting to make sure they rested and ate. Lydia understood what MJ was currently feeling. "I'll rest after. I promise." Right now, she had to keep Peter safe. That was all that mattered.

MJ dropped her hand. "I'm holding you to that."

Lydia smiled at her. After, she would rest. Or once she found Happy. Not knowing where he was worried her. She needed to find him. She needed Happy more than ever.

Happy was her family.

The thought that followed caught her by surprise. Tony was never like a father to her. He had always been like a brother or a protective uncle, but he never quite felt like a father. Lydia always wanted him to be, but now she understood why he never was. The role was always meant for one person, Happy. It was always going to be him. He was her family.

Happy was her home.

Then it occurred to her that she no longer had a home. It had been destroyed. There was nothing left but rubble.

After this, she would have no house to return to. And neither would Peter. It had become his home as well. May was gone. Who did he have? MJ, she thought. Ned, she thought. And me, she thought. Peter had her. She wasn't going anywhere.

It would be different for Peter than it was for her. When Lydia lost everything, she still had Wanda. But Wanda took away her memories. Took Natasha away from her. Lydia wouldn't take the memory of May away from Peter.

"Uh oh," Ned muttered, eyes on the portal. "Something's happening."

Lydia felt the adrenaline return as she stared through the opening. Flashes of electricity illuminated the night sky. Max. If Max was here, then that meant the others were as well.

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