Chapter 9

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"I have everything under control."

Lydia wondered what that meant all night. Under control, what did that mean? What did Wanda have under control? Lydia knew something wasn't adding up about Westview. There was definitely something wrong, but the question was what.

All she knew was her name. Her name was Lydia. What was her last name? Why couldn't she remember anything in her life? There were so many questions to be asked, but nobody to ask them to. Wanda was her closest friend, but yet, Lydia felt as if she could not trust her.

Vision seemed to be growing suspicious, but neither had spoken to the other about their thoughts. As if speaking about them would make them real. Lydia wanted to assume she was just being paranoid, but there had to be a reason. A reason why she had no memories. There was no logical explanation for any of it.

The crying didn't stop all night. Wanda and Vision did everything they could to quiet them but failed miserably each time. Lydia hid away in her room, digging through all of her belongings. There was nothing. No pictures, no decorations, nothing. The drawers were always empty. Every day a brand new outfit from a different time period showed up. Lydia had no idea how, but there was only one person capable. Wanda.

It had to be Wanda.

Lydia walked down the stairs slowly. The sound of crying grew louder and louder with each step. Part of her wanted to hide away in her room forever, but she couldn't. Her movements were cautious and most likely suspicious. "Lydia," Wanda noticed her. "Good morning."

"Morning," she mumbled. "What's with all the crying?"

"No idea," Vision seemed stressed, not that she could blame him.

"Are we doing something wrong," Wanda questioned.

"You'll figure it out." Being a new parent was hard, and they were still learning. It had only been one day.

"Or maybe we need help."

The doorbell rang. It was perfect timing, almost too perfect. "Hi, kids," Agnes barged into the house with a vibrant smile.

Vision held a pillow in front of his face. "Sorry, I was just fluffing the pillow. With my face."

"I was on my way to jazzercise when I heard your new babies were on a sleeping strike." Lydia squinted at her, noticing the way her smile seemed forced.

Vision was curious about her words, "how did you know that?"

"My ears." Agnes pointed at her ears. "Auntie Agnes is here to save the day."

Wanda was relieved, "you're truly a lifesaver."

Lydia smiled as she watched Vision's face morph into one of fear. "Be mindful of their belly buttons and remember to support their heads." He was rambling, "when was the last time you washed your hands." Lydia laughed, "maybe you shouldn't."

Agnes hesitated, looking between everyone. It was clear she was unsure of what to do. "Do you want me to take that again?"

Wanda glanced at Vision, "excuse me?" Lydia stared at Wanda, her mind trying to figure out what Agnes was talking about.

"You want me to hold the babies." It wasn't a question. "Should we start from the top?" Agnes grabbed her gym bag.

"What," Vision laughed awkwardly.

"Wanda," Lydia seemed hesitant. "What's going on?"

Wanda forced a laugh and placed a hand on Agnes's shoulder. "Don't be silly. Vision, let Agnes have a try."

Agnes started laughing again. "You fussy babies, meet buns of steel." She went to help the babies.

Vision joined the forced laughter and pulled both Wanda and Lydia into a corner. "What was that about?"

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