Chapter 34

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May was outside in the truck. She drove them to Happy's apartment. He wasn't there, luckily. In fact, he had been out all day searching for her. May had said he had called her at least twenty times in hopes she had seen Lydia or Peter. May, knowing what was going on, lied. Lydia felt guilty, but it was for the better that Happy stayed away. If things went south, he needed to be safe. Lydia couldn't live with herself if she lost Happy. He was too important to her.

He was her family. Her only family.

"Where's Connors," Peter asked as they entered the condominium.

"He wanted to wait in the truck." Lydia knew that was a good idea. A giant lizard walking around would draw a lot of unwanted attention. The media already hated Peter.

"Alarm system deactivated." May had turned off the alarm.

"Guys," Peter muttered. "I feel bad using Happy's place."

May glanced at Lydia, who offered Peter a reassuring smile. "He's very easygoing." Peter and May's eyebrows raised. "With me, at least. He likes me." Happy and Lydia are incredibly close. "Let me do the explaining when he finds out." Max raised his hand, turning on the TV. Flint Marko, the name of the man made of sand, sat on the couch. He got sand everywhere.

"How long do you think we have?"

Lydia thought carefully. "I'd say five hours at best before he checks the security camera and sees a bunch of random people entering his home." That wasn't a lot of time, but they had to try. There was also no telling when Doctor Strange would escape wherever Peter left him.

"This is your plan, Peter?" Dr. Octavius was not impressed. "No lab. No facilities. Just performing miracles in a bachelor pad?" Lydia smirked. "What, are you going to cook up some cures? Some frozen burritos in a microwave?"

"Oh." Dr. Osborn spun around from his spot. He was inspecting the machine by the kitchen table, Dum-E. "I could go for a burrito." Lydia liked him the most. He was very kind and polite.

"He'll kill us all."

"Let's hope not," Peter responded. He patted his shoulder. "You're up first, Doc."

"What? I said I don't need fixing." Peter ignored him as he walked into the back room. "Especially by a teenager using scraps from a bachelor's junk drawer."

"It's more than scraps," Max said, walking past them. "It's something big. I can feel the energy." May and Dr. Osborn followed Max, but Lydia stayed with the man.

"Tony made his first suit out of scraps. Look at how well he did."

Dr. Octavous glared at her. "Who's Tony?"

"Tony Stark," she spoke slowly. "Iron Man?" Dr. Octavius had no idea what she was talking about. Lydia's interest grew. Besides realties having the same people, they appeared to be very different. "You don't know him?"

"No, I don't know your Iron Man," he spits. "And I don't care." Suddenly, there was a loud bang behind them. Lydia flinched, spinning around to see that the wall beside the stove was broken. "He's going to kill us all."

Rolling her eyes, she walked into the next room. "Dr. Osborn," Lydia addressed him. "Would you like a beef or steak burrito?"

The man beamed at her. "Steak, please, thank you."

"Of course." She looked at Max. "Hungry?"

Max tried to seem uninterested in her offer, but his stomach betrayed him. "Yeah, I'll take steak." Lydia nodded, smiling to herself as she went to ask the others if they were hungry.


Lydia liked to think she was a trusting person. Maybe too trusting in her line of work, but after everything she had been through, she wanted to see the good in things. That included people.

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