Chapter 32

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It was Ned's idea to use Facetime to talk with Peter while he went off to find the green elf. It also allowed them to see everything he did. His phone was duct taped to his chest. He traveled toward his destination quickly. Lydia remained seated, her head resting on her palm as her mind wandered.

"Lydia," Wanda gripped her bag. "Walk me down?"

Lydia gave her a confused look before she turned to Natasha. "Is that okay?"

"Yeah," Natasha nodded. "Be safe. We'll pack up here." Lydia nodded and followed Wanda out the door.

Once they stepped into the hallway, the tension between them grew. Lydia felt the weight in her chest grow larger. She knew soon Wanda would be leaving to start a new chapter in her life. "I remember when I first met you," Wanda's voice was soft. "Tony was showing me around, and you were in the kitchen." She paused, "in all honesty, I never understood why he showed me around. We moved, I believe, three days later?"

"I think." Lydia remembered the simpler times in her life when the team was still together. "Do you ever miss it?"

"Miss what," Wanda hummed.

"Just the past."

Wanda glanced at her, "sometimes, yes." The two turned a corner and began walking down another hallway. "I also hate the past; not all parts were good."

Lydia blinked once. She knew Wanda and her shared very similar pasts. "I miss Tony, Rhodey, and Clint. I used to see them every day, and now-"

"I know," Wanda placed a comforting hand on her back. "Things have changed. Do you want to know something else I remember about you?"

"What?" Lydia looked up at her.

"You were timid," Wanda laughed at the memory. "But from the moment we met, I knew I didn't want to be on your bad side."

Lydia snorted, "oh, please."

"It's true," Wanda nudged her. "Even if you don't believe it."

The younger girl brushed off her comment. "I was actually excited when you moved in."

That surprised her, "really?"


Wanda pushed open the parking garage door. "Why is that?"

"Because there was finally someone relatively close to my age," Lydia felt her heartbeat rise. "And I was hoping to gain a friend." Her eyes landed on a blue Audi. Vision was leaning against the side with a broad smile on his face.

"Wanda," he spoke as soon as he saw her. Wanda waved at him and continued making her way over.

"You were right," Wanda stopped a foot away from the van.

"About what," Lydia questioned, not understanding.

"You did gain a friend." Wanda opened the car door and set her bag inside. She turned back to the young girl.

Lydia's lips were pulled down in a frown. "I will miss you." Lydia didn't understand the feelings she had. The idea of Wanda leaving made her anxious. In their time, they had grown close, closer than Lydia had become to many in their group.

"I'll miss you too," Wanda gently placed a hand on the side of her face. "Take care of them for me. They're hopeless without you."

"Don't I know it," Lydia chuckled at her comment. "Take care of yourself, okay?"

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