Chapter 29

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That was hard for Lydia, but she trusted Peter. More than most. She trusted him enough to walk around New York. Her hood was pulled over her head, keeping her hair hidden. "Not that I don't appreciate a good walk, but it's been hours. We've walked all over the place. Can you at least tell me where we're going?"

Peter held up his phone, following the GPS carefully. "It's right around the corner," Peter said. "I think." Lydia perked up at his words. The two of them turned the corner. "There it is."

The girl stared at the building. It wasn't a place she knew. "Where are we?"

The two teenagers ran across the street. "Just trust me." That was what Peter kept saying. Unfortunately, Lydia trusted him. She wouldn't be here if she didn't.


The building had two dark blue doors, recently painted. They stood out against the old brick. It was a nice building. Lydia couldn't imagine what was inside. Peter reached for the doorbell when the doors opened. Not expecting it, she jumped.

A harsh winter breeze hit them in the face. The inside was covered in snow. "What the hell," Lydia whispered. This was not what she was expecting. Peter wandered inside. Taking a deep breath, she followed. The door shut loudly behind them.

Moving further into the unknown building, Lydia noticed two others. A boy and a girl, relatively similar in age. They were shoveling snow into buckets. Neither looked happy. Peter cleared his throat to get their attention. It didn't work. "Uh, hi," he waved at them. They both looked up. "Hi? I'm-"

Peter was cut off by a portal opening. It was something Lydia had seen once before. It was during the second fight against Thanos. Dr. Stephen Strange had created portals to allow them to go from Wakanda to New York in seconds. "The most famous person in the world." A man stepped out of the portal. He was carrying several suitcases and wearing an oversized jacket. "I know." He flipped off his hood. Lydia recognized him, searching her brain for his name. "Don't fall. We don't have liability insurance." She remembered his name. It was Wong. They fought together but never spoke. He went back inside the portal.

"Is this all for a holiday?" Peter stepped closer. Lydia found herself following him. Happy would not be pleased with her if he knew she was here.

"No." Wong reemerged. "One of the rotunda gates connects to Siberia. A blizzard came through." Lydia didn't entirely understand.

"Because someone," a familiar voice said. "Forgot to cast a monthly maintenance spell to keep the seals tight." Dr. Stephen Strange lowered to the ground, using his cape to fly. He landed on the ground, slipping slightly.

"That's right. He did because he forgot I have higher duties-"

"Higher duties?" That seemed to upset Stephen.

"The Sorcerer Supreme has higher duties, yes." Wong had both hands on his hips.

"Wait," Peter waved his hand. "I thought you were the Sorcerer Supreme?"

"No." He took a sip from his mug. "He got it on a technicality because I blipped for five years."

"Oh," Peter said. Lydia still had no idea what was going on. "Well, congratulations-"

"If I had been here, then I would-"

"Burn the place down," Wong finished for him. He pointed at the two others in the room. "You two, no one said to stop." He walked toward them.

"So, Peter." Stephen noticed that Lydia was practically hiding behind him. "And Lydia." She glanced at him, cheeks flushed from the cold and her nerves. "What do I owe the pleasure?" He began walking away from them.

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