Chapter 25

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Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Peter received his first response from a college, but it was a rejection. Then he received the second one, which was also a rejection. He was still waiting to hear from MIT. Lydia hoped he wouldn't get denied. Peter worked hard in school. He deserved to go to college and be with his friends. Of course, she would miss him, but knowing he would be happy was enough.

Happy had relaxed significantly since he let her leave the first time. Now, Lydia barely asked permission to go out. It felt normal. She felt normal. It was an amazing feeling. She hoped it would be like this forever.

Halloween was a few days away. The reminder of the holiday was plastered all over the place. For some reason, it reminded her of Wanda. The Halloween they shared together wasn't real, but it was eventful. Recently, she had begun to miss Wanda more and more. Knowing she was alive but alone filled her with guilt.

Suddenly, a hand waved in front of her face. "Hello, earth to Lydia," Ned said. "You listening?"

"Hm?" She broke free of her thoughts. "Sorry, what did you say?"

His shoulders dropped slightly. "Nothing."

"Oh, Ned. They're dropping that new Star Wars lego set-"

"Right," he pointed at Peter. "Want to get it tonight and build it at my place?"

Peter glanced at MJ, wanting to see what she thought. "Oh, I am not interested in doing that. Plus, I promised my parents I wouldn't stay out late tonight. They've been, you know, worried." Lydia noticed the tense expression on her face. Something more was going on. If she understood MJ's words, it seemed her parents were worried about Peter. The entire world thought he was a murderer.

"Right," his words trailed off.

"Why are they worried?" Ned didn't seem to get the hint.

"Well," MJ wasn't sure how to word it. "I spend a lot of time with you guys. I never hang out with any girls, or anyone else." They didn't know about Lydia. "They want me to, you know, hang out with-" she stopped talking, glancing at Lydia.

Suddenly, an idea popped into Peter's mind. "Bring Lydia over. Introduce her as a friend from school. That way your parents think you have other friends."


"Are you crazy?" MJ finished for her.

"I think it's a great idea," Ned sided with him. "You could have, like, a sleepover or something."

Lydia raised an eyebrow. "I thought those only happened in movies?"

"See," Peter pointed at her. "How sad is that?"

MJ glared at him. "You know the rules. Back before dark, which it almost is." Happy had very strict rules if Lydia wanted to go out.

Lydia was still processing the idea of a sleepover. She had seen them in movies. They looked fun. Girls would gossip, do each other's hair, and paint each other's nails. "I think it sounds fun."

That surprised all of them. "You do," MJ stuttered.

Lydia nodded, "yeah. We could gossip and paint each other's nails."

"MJ doesn't-"

"Okay," MJ agreed quickly. "Yeah." She tried to fight the smile that tugged at her lips. "I would like that."

"Really?" Ned and Peter said at the same time.

"Okay." Lydia stood up, wiping her hands on her pants. "I am going to use the payphone outside to call Happy." There was a slim chance he would agree, but it was worth a shot.

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