Chapter 4

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Westview, New Jersey

Year Unknown

Lydia's eyes opened. Sunlight shining through the drawn grey curtains. Something she must have left open the night before without realizing it. 

She sat up, stretching her arms over her head. Lydia had been lying flat on her back, dress perfectly flat. Tossing her legs over the side, her perfectly curled hair stayed perfectly in place. Downstairs, a door closed.

Lydia stood up, heels on her feet already. She smiled, opening her bedroom door. Without much thought, she gleefully strolled down the hallway. Gliding down the stairs, she glanced around the area. Wanda stood in the living room with a grey floral apron around her waist. "Wanda," Lydia floated toward her. "Who's knocking this early?"

Wanda, who wasn't expecting her, jumped backward. The woman spun around with a frightened expression. "Lydia?" Wanda's eyes searched hers, surprised to see her. "What are you doing here?"

"I think you mean," Lydia moved around her. "What am I doing awake?" The girl strolled toward the window and tossed back the curtains. "Goodness, Wanda. It's nearly midday. Why didn't you wake me?"

The shocked expression on her face vanished. It was replaced quickly by one of pure delight. "Well, you need your beauty sleep."

"Beauty sleep?" Lydia spun in her direction. She leaned her weight onto the right side and placed a hand on her hip. An exaggerated expression on her face. "I don't need any more beauty sleep."

Wanda reached forward, happily grabbing her hands. "I'm so happy you're here."

Lydia tilted her head to the side. "Oh, Wanda. Always so silly. Where else would I be?" The girl couldn't imagine any other place, but that wasn't important. Her place was beside Wanda, her best friend. 

Lydia didn't know anything else besides Westview. Besides Wanda.

Suddenly, the front door opened, and a woman walked in. She was holding a magazine and wearing a puffy plaid dress. "Oh, Wanda," the woman said. "You didn't tell me you had a friend. I'm Agnes, your neighbor."

"Hi, Agnes," she smiled at her. "I'm Lydia."

"What a beautiful name, hun." Agnes winked at Wanda before traveling towards the couch. "Now, let's start."

Wanda walked over to the couch, but Lydia was confused. "What are we starting?"

"Wanda's anniversary," Agnes chuckled.

Wanda reached out to Lydia, waving her closer. "Agnes is helping me set the mood."

"Oh," Lydia winked. She sat down on the couch closest to Wanda, slightly interested in the topic. She had no idea it was Wanda's anniversary. "To who?"

Wanda laughed as if Lydia had told a hilarious joke. "Lydia, always such a joker. To my husband, Vision, of course."

Lydia's mind suddenly came up with the memory of them, and she brushed off her previous comment. "Of course. You know how I love to joke."

"First, we have wardrobe," Agnes began reading the magazine. "Do you have anything special for that?"

Lydia was a little confused as to what they were planning. What kind of anniversary was this? "I have a little something."

"Excellent," Agnes laughed. "Oh, and decor. You'll want candles."

"Candles, got it."

"Music." Lydia remained quiet. "Do you have a song?" Wanda remained silent also. "You don't have a song? Nothing you played at your wedding?"

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