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June pushed another mouthful of sandwich into her face, her eyes closing as she tried to satisfy the hunger in her stomach.  Her hunger had gotten to the point where she could feel her stomach starting to ingest itself, she had to eat. Finally after complaining enough  Terrance made her a sandwich, the girls relief making them all happy knowing that the complaining would stop.

Sarah had used a phone to call her sister, June requesting to use it next so that she could tell her mom she was alive. However, Terrance told her no, making her heart sink as she thought of the pain her family would continue to go through.

No one has heard from or seen Tyler at all, making June's guilt continue to build as she realized it was all her fault. It was within the hour that Wheezie texted Sarah the information, all of them heading to another room to make their plan. June listened as intently as she could, sitting back and enjoying her sandwich more than anything.

After Sarah and Terrance decided on where exactly they were going to get the gold, John B spoke up, June turning her head at the sound of his voice.

"It can work, the only thing is that I want June to stay here. She can sit this one out." He said, making the girl in question raise her eyebrows.

"Hell no. I'm going." June argued immediately, John B shaking his head at her.

"You're concussed, and no offense but you're weak. You need to rest." The girl pushed herself up from her chair at his words, shaking her head at him.

"I can handle it. I can handle myself. I'm not staying anywhere without you and Sarah. We're not splitting up, not again." June argued, a finality in her tone. The two held intense eye contact for a moment, neither of them backing down. John B already felt bad for everything he had pulled her into, and now the chance of pulling her into their armed robbery scheme, he didn't wanna risk it. June was experiencing a newfound loyalty to her friends, something that she didn't want to give up and an attachment that she couldn't shake.

John B softened first, shaking his head and running a hand over his face in exasperation. There was no way he could stop her. She was becoming too stubborn.

"Fine. But when you get hurt, you can't blame me." John B said, his fingers running through his hair as Sarah and June shared a look. June smirked, reaching into the waistband on her pants and pulling out the security guards gun, something that had been hidden by the large sweatshirt she was wearing.

"I have a little bit of defense JB." She said, lifting the gun and pointing it at the brunette. He reached forwards, ripping the gun from June's hand and giving her a disappointed look.

"You can't just pull a gun on people. What are you, JJ?! Jesus June this thing is loaded!" John B said, pulling the bullets out of the bottom and shaking his head at her.

"Of course it's loaded. How else am I supposed to shoot someone?" June deadpanned, reaching for the gun to take back from his hand,  the boy just pulling his arm back to keep it out of her reach.

"June you date JJ once and you become a carbon copy! You two and the guns." John B scolded, making June scrunch her nose up in disgust.

"It's Ward, you never know what's gonna happen. No offense." June said, gesturing towards Sarah who just shrugged. John B put the gun in his own waistband now, shaking his head at her one more time before turning back to Terrance.

"Show me where these roads are." John B and Terrance soon left, June and Sarah resting on the couch for a few minutes, both of them sitting in silence.

"He shouldn't have taken the gun. Wards a...a bad guy. It's for safety." Sarah said, looking over at June. The brunette looked up, nodding her head and letting out a sigh.

"I don't understand the protectiveness all of a sudden. He never acted like this before." June said, scratching the back of her neck, secretly hoping that Sarah could shed some light on what was going on in John Bs head.

"I think he feels responsible for keeping you safe because you died. He really...he blames himself  for everything that's happened, especially to you. Plus I think he feels bad because JJs not here and  he has me. He's just...he worries about you." Sarah said, the brunette beside her feeling a pang in her chest as she was reminded once again about how far she was from him. Nowadays she tried to keep him off her mind, but his blonde crazy hair and his smile was beginning to haunt her. She just wanted to kiss him, to hug him, to hold him in her arms and just cry, cry about everything that was wrong in their lives and then feel happy because at least they had each other. But she couldn't, and she had nothing.

"He doesn't need to worry about me. I'm doing just fine." June said, pushing off of the couch and walking away with her arms crossed over her chest.  Sarah watched after her, letting out a sigh as she realized she had only made matters worse.

June made her way outside, dropping into the dirt and pulling her knees to her chest. She had hardly cried since everything happened, but she couldn't help the tears that began to prick in her eyes, the girl biting her lips to try and stop them. Not only was she missing her other half, JJ, but she was missing her parents. Her mom and dad.  Her brother. Pope, Kie,  even Zach. She missed her bed, her clothes, her happy and normal life. And yet she sat there, unable to regret all the decisions she had made that lead her here.

She remembered her and Zachs final Sunday picnic as a couple, the way that the girl had thought that that was the only thing her summer would amount to. Had she known that her life was going to take such a turn, maybe she would have enjoyed the peace a little bit more.

When John B and Terrance returned June made her way back inside, sitting on the couch and pulling her knees to her chest once again, resting her chin on her legs. Sarah and Cleo left next, leaving John B and June to themselves. Instead of speaking to John B, the boy who looked like he very much wanted to talk to her, she laid out across the couch, hoping to get maybe a few hours of sleep before she had to pull off an armed robbery.

The brunette boy just looked at her instead of trying to grab her attention, his heart sinking as she fell asleep soon after. Although he apologized, he still felt guilt everytime he looked at her. She had died, something that he could seem to shake the image of from his head. He remembered how blue she was, how cold her skin felt as him and Sarah had pushed on her chest.  It was a miracle she was alive.

He finally looked away from her, wiping his forehead as he focused on the task at hand. Committing another serious crime.

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