bonus chapter pt.3

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"Are you comfy baby?" JJ asked, his arms wrapped tightly around June March as they laid together. Her body was stuck to his side, the two of them laying on the ground beside a tree.

"Am I comfy? No, I'm laying in the sand. But you're here so I'm good enough." June said, her eyes closed as she tried to even fathom sleeping. Her mind had been racing all day, and it was only hours before that she had accepted JJs proposal, something that she still couldn't quite wrap her head around. She tried to think of the situation logically, knowing that they were teenagers, 17, and that June's parents would never  let her marry JJ. However people do crazy things when they're in love, and June would do anything to be with JJ for the rest of forever.

"Guys!" A voice whispered from somewhere near them, June opening her eyes as she looked up at JJ. He was looking around  himself, the two of them unable to see anyone from their spot on the ground.  Finally a person came into view, Pope standing in front of the two with a tight smile, his hand covering his eyes as he approached them.

"We're decent." June said with annoyance, rolling her eyes as she pushed herself up using JJs chest. Pope uncovered his eyes warily, being met with the annoyed look on June's face, the Heyward boy lifting an eyebrow as JJ bit back a laugh. "What do you want Pope?"

"We're Uh—nobody can sleep. We're gonna play some games." JJ was up at that, the boy pushing himself off of the ground and pulling June up with him.

"Oh what kind of games?  Mario Kart?" JJ asked, skipping away towards the direction of the fire from earlier. June just shook her head at him, Pope shrugging and sticking his arm out for her. June limped over towards him, her ribs aching ridiculously with every step, Pope seeming to notice and give her an apologetic look.

"Got you pretty good huh?" He said,  June wrapping her arm around his elbow as they started to walk. She sucked in a painful breath, nodding her head as she grimaced.

"It was the machete dude and fucking—uh..." She swallowed her words, not quite wanting to say Rafes name out loud. Pope seemed to already know though, the boy nodding as the group came into view. They had all seemed to have tried to sleep at least, Kie and Tyler letting out loud yawns at the same time, Cleo twirling her knife between her fingers as she talked quietly to Sarah about something. John B and JJ were saying something, both of their faces lighting up when June and Pope came into view.

"There she is! The most prettiest girl in the whole world." JJ said, pressing a kiss to her cheek as he took her off Popes hands. June sent a smile towards John B, the brunettes faltering as he looked at her pained face.

"Why are we out here?" June asked, looking at JJ and John B, the blonde speaking first, excitement in his tone.

"We're gonna play spin the bottle." June's face scrunched up, her eyebrows furrowing ridiculously as she looked at him in confusion. The two boys didn't seem to see the problem, the rest of the group seeming to realize the issue almost immediately. Sarah and June shared a look, both of them looking to the two boys confusedly.

"Oh don't worry baby. I'm gonna sit across from you in the circle so that it lands on me every time." JJ said, giving her a nod and a thumbs up. June shook her head, giving Pope a ridiculous look. The boy just shrugged, rolling his eyes as John B and JJ started to sit in a circle.

"We're all friends her. It's fine." John B said, waving the others over. JJ shuffled around the circle a bit, Pope sitting down beside June, Cleo sitting on her other side as JJ sat directly across from her. He shot her a wink, June shaking her head as she saw how ridiculously wrong this was gonna go.

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