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June March could feel the sweat dripping from the back of her neck, rolling down her back as she pushed the door to the room JJ was sleeping in open.  The blonde stirred at the sound of the door opening, not waking up but definitely hearing the noise. June felt her breath hitch in her throat as she walked over to him, her lips turning up into a pained smile as she looked at how perfect her was, how peaceful and happy he looked in his sleep, and how she was about to fuck all that happiness up.

June pressed her hand to the side of his face, the boys eyebrows twitching in his sleep, making her smile drop. Maybe she should just go home, maybe she shouldn't do this. But if she waited any longer, if she waited any longer it would be worse. It was about time she told some truth, opened up the endless caverns of secrets and facts in her mind, things that she hadn't told anyone before because she was so closed off. If she was going to continue on with JJ like she wanted to, he needed to know her. The real her.

June ran a finger over his bottom lip, her fingers tapping lightly against his skin and making him stir again. This time he awoke, his sleepy eyes blinking away the last bits of his dream, a small smile on his face as he realized who had woken him up.

"Hey." He whispered, closing his eyes again as he melted into her hand. She felt her chest tighten in anguish as she wondered if she should still tell him, her hands were getting clammy and she was starting to sweat again.

"Hey baby." June said, the words making JJ open his eyes again. He looked at her face, pushing himself up from his laying position, the blankets falling from his chest and making her bite back a comment.

"What's wrong?" JJ said, pushing the hair from his eyes as his red cheeks made her heart pound. He was adorable, he looked perfect, and all she could think about was how she was about to ruin their whole relationship. How she had ruined their whole relationship. Her eyebrows furrowed together at his words.

"What makes you think somethings wrong?" June asked, tilting her head to the side as she ran her finger over his cheek . He pulled her hand from his face, holding it in his lap as he tried to catch her eye, just proving that something was wrong.

"You don't call me baby. You don't like it. I call you baby. Something must be wrong. Why are you here? I thought you went home. Are you okay? Are you hu-"

"I'm fine. You and me need to talk."  June furrowed him off, her tight lipped smile dropping as she finished. The worry became evident on JJs face, the boy running a hand through his hair before looking at the wall..

"Uh oh." He said, knowing that that phrase never ended well. "Okay. I'm ready."

June looked at him as he looked at her with anticipation, his eyes narrowed and  his lips parted as he waited.

"Rafe came to my house tonight. I walked into my bedroom and he put his hand over my mouth and-"

"He put his hands on you? That mothe-"

"JJ please. For right now can you just listen?" This question made his entire face drop,  the dread filling him as he realized June and  Rafe had spent alone time together. June had been drifting lately, he knew it, and he knew that this conversation was not going to end the way he would like it to. He almost wanted to just get up and leave, to tell her not to bother telling him and just forget about it because he wasn't sure he could handle the heartache from her anymore.  But instead he nodded, letting June talk because he was too curious to let it go.

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