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Adam March had a strange look in his eyes, his teeth grit as he looked at his old best friend, the one that just escaped from his sisters room. Rafes eyes were wide as he took in the sight of his old best friend, the one who had just caught him escaping June's room.

Adam wasted no time, the boy walking forwards towards the blonde, Rafe immediately sticking his hands up as he tried to talk to him.

"Adam I just talked to her I didn't do-" Rafe was cut off by Adam punching him in the face, his head flying back as he let out a grunt. He stumbled back, looking at the March boy who was seething.

"I told you to stay away from my sister man, I wasn't playing." Adam said, shaking his head as he pushed Rafe back.

"I really wish you wouldn't have done that." Rafe said, giving his old friend a betrayed look. Adam shook his head at Rafes words, his one track mind making him take another step towards Rafe as the blonde rubbed his face.

Rafe was ready this time, tackling Adam to the ground, the air leaving the March boys lungs as his back connected with the ground. But Adam knew Rafe, and he knew all of his beat moves. Rafe lifted his arm to punch Adam in the face but Adam was quicker, using his elbow to knock Rafe on his ass. His breath was heavy as he walked over to the boy who was groaning, rocking slightly so that he could try and relieve some of the pain in his head from Adams elbow.

Adam dropped onto him, grabbing Rafe by the collar of his shirt and lifting his fist. Adam had always been stronger than Rafe, always. The two of them had sparred for years, being best friends and boys. Adam launched his fist at him, his knuckles connecting with Rafes nose. The blonde groaned again, his face scrunching up as he grimaced at the brunette boy.

"You were my best friend. You-I let you talk about my sister, hell I let you fuck her and I'll never ever forgive myself for that. But enough is enough." Adam said, his breath heaving as he punched Rafe again.

"I love- I love her. She loves me too. She-"

"She doesn't Rafe. She's got a boyfriend. She's moved on. Why don't you fucking get that?!" Rafe shook his head at Adams words. His lip trembled for only a moment, a stream of blood coursing down his face from his nose.  He felt his eyes starting to roll back, he was gonna pass out  from the hands of his only friend. His brother.

"Hey hey no. Don't tap out yet buddy. We're not done." Adam shook his head, a devilish smile on his face as he pulled  Rafes face up by his chin.  He gripped his chin standing from the ground and pulling Rafe up by his collar. "Come on buddy. Me and you need to talk." The March boy pulled Rafe towards his car that was conveniently parked not far away, his head turning to check and make sure no one was around. He pushed Rafe into the car, running around to the drivers side and disappearing down the road.

June was upstairs, the girl biting her nails as she thought about what had happened. She commended herself for the strength she had to push him away, no matter how bad it was that she had to push him away in the first place. She wanted to call JJ, to tell him everything that had happened. But when lifted her phone she dialed a different number, her heart beating rapidly as she did so.

The person answered, June explaining that she needed them over ASAP, her stomach swirling with nausea as she soon hung up the phone. No matter what she could still feel his grip on her throat, his fingers against her skin. She hated herself for wanting it, and yet she had had the chance and didn't take it. The blonde Maybank boy was all that she could think about for a moment, the guilt settling in her as she knew she had to tell him the truth. There were thing she didn't know about June. Things that no one knew.

Her mind travelled to what she had done to Zach, June sitting on the edge of her bed as she let out a sigh. She had never deserved him, he was a nice guy. She had carried the weight of being a cheater for the longest time, but she knew that Zach could never know or it would crush him. Zach and JJ were different, JJ deserved so much more than June, and she had become wracked with disbelief that after finding out about Rafe he had still given her the time of day. JJ was a perfect ray of sunshine, shining his ridiculously bright light right into June Marchs exceptionally dim and dark world.

She remembered exactly what had happened. Adam had made June and Rafe break up, saying that not only was Rafe a piece of shit for fucking with his sister, but he also wouldn't share his best friend with her. Rafe took the breakup hard, and June had too, the two of them getting into a fight. He had screamed at her, telling her to just go on and date Zach or something. And in a way to spite him she began dating Zach.

She had been with him for 2 months before she had attended a party that both Zach and Rafe were at. Tensions had run high, Zach getting mad at June in a drunken haze for having danced with Kelce. They fought, June telling him that she hated him and running off. Someone had followed, that someone being Rafe. He had been kind that night, kinder than he ever had before. Their affair had begun that night, and it wasn't until almost a full year later, on June's 16th birthday that she had broken things off with Rafe. There history was a spotty one, but Rafe had always been the one who made the butterflies fly around her stomach, made her skin crawl from his touch and made her chest feel like exploding from just a glance. That was until JJ came along.

June stood from her bed, walking over to her closet and ripping the door open. She continued to feel his hands on her, the way her skin screamed and her heart beat as she pulled the box out of the back of her closet. She looked down at it in her hands, her breaths heavy and frantic as she dropped it on the floor. She grit her teeth in anger as she started to stomp on the box, the things inside breaking as she let her anger out.

He had weaseled his way into her head again, infiltrated her heart and pulled her away from the only good relationship she ever had. She wanted to get rid of him, she wanted him to leave her alone. But she also wanted him. She remembered the way that she had always wanted him. The way that his danger has intrigued her for so long, his toxicity had entranced her and she had wanted him. But the way that JJ made her feel was more than Rafe could ever manage, or at least she hoped.

No matter how much she tried to lie to herself she couldn't ignore the way goosebumps had arisen on her skin, how her stomach had tingled and fluttered when he kissed her. When he held her neck. When her life was in his hands. She couldn't—

"June. Hey are you okay? Did he do anything to you?" June's head turned to her bedroom door, her eyebrows raising up in confusion as she wondered how John B had gotten into her house when the window was locked.

" I'm not okay. I need-I need your advice. I need help."


Adam being a good older brother, John B coming to the rescue.

What did you think about Rafe and June's interaction? How much are you hating June rn? Also do you think she should tell JJ or spare him the details? Let me know what you think about it head past few chapters and also.....

the fun is just beginning 🤪

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