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June pushed through the hospital doors, her eyes wide and wet as she looked around frantically. JJ was right behind her, his hand gripping her elbow as he tried to think with some reason, knowing that June wouldn't be able to. After they had gotten dressed JJ had asked John B for the keys, telling the brunette boy what had happened and then driving the worried and hysterical June to the hospital.

June walked briskly towards the front desk, her hands gripping the marble as she let out a shaky breath. She could feel the grief already hitting her, before she even knew what was happening. She could also feel the guilt.

JJ let go of her elbow, the boy not wanting to admit that he had a bit of  worry too. Zach had helped him and the Pogues. They were good. His death wouldn't be something JJ would be happy about. He moved his hand to the small of June's back, his blonde hair falling into his eyes a little bit as she spoke.

"Zach Roberts. Is he okay?! Is he ali-"

"June!" JJ and Junes heads turned as they both caught sight of a clearly distraught Adam March, the brunette boys lips tightened into a look of worry. June ran towards her brother, wrapping her arms around him as he let out a breath. He hugged her back, his eyes closing as he just tried to catch onto a single thought. The last hour had been one of the strangest and worst of his life. Next to when June had been pronounced lost at sea.

"What happened?" June breathed out, wanting to know what had went down and if Zach as okay. She tried to forget that Rafe was the one who had hurt Zach, but the dirty blonde Cameron boy was  pounding on the doors of  her brain, just begging to be let in.

"After Rafe left your room I met him outside. I beat him up a bit and then I met Zach at the Hawks Nest and we were gonna rough him up, scare him a little bit. But things got outta hand-God this is all my fault. I'm so sorry." Adam said, pulling back as he shook his head frantically.  June furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, first of all as to how he had known Rafe had visited her and second as to how he thought that kidnapping and threatening him was a good idea.

"Rafe pushed him? He pushed him off the tower?" JJ asked Adam, June turning her body to him so that she was resting on his shoulder.  She buried her face into his chest for a moment, the blonde wrapping his arms around her before she pulled away, tears in her eyes.

"He pushed him right over the side. And then he just left. June he did this because of you. He said it was you. I-you need to stay the hell away from this guy. I don't know who he is...but it's not Rafe." Adam said frantically, his eyes wide as he looked at his sister.  June felt even more guilt hit her at Adams words, her brother not seeming to realize what he had just accused her of. June stepped back, feeling that familiar feeling of hatred towards herself as she realized he was right. It was all her fault. Zach was hurt, possibly dead, because she couldn't keep away from Rafe.

"Is Zach okay?" JJ asked the question that June hadn't had the heart to. John B had fallen from the Hawks Nest with nothing but a fractured wrist and a concussion, maybe Zach was okay.

"He's not...he's not doing too hot. They say that something happened to his back. I don- I don't know." Adam ran a hand through his hair, looking very distraught. JJs eyes turned to June, noticing how hurt and worried she looked. He couldn't even be mad, Zach had been a big part of her life. Before they dated they were friends for years, they grew up together, Zach was her best friend for so long.

There was still a sigh of relief from June as she realized he was still alive. She closed her eyes, and it was almost as if she could see Rafe pushing Zach off of the tower, as if she could see that look in his eyes that she had only witnessed when he had killed Peterkin. She had no idea what it was, but it was something that sent a chill down her spine every time she thought about it.

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