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"Where are we going?" June giggled, her hands gripping JJs that were placed over her eyes. The blonde laughed, his smile wide as he continued to guide her to the spot he had decided to surprise her with.

"It's a surpri-shit!" JJ shouted, his foot catching onto something and making him stumble forwards. June laughed maniacally at this, not even having to see to know that he had tripped. He laughed with her, adjusting his hat as he regained his footing and continuing to push her.

"Okay we're here." JJ said, taking his hand from her face and pushing them into the pockets of his shorts. He watched as a smile covered her lips, her eyebrows raising as she looked at what he had done. For lunch he had laid out a blanket on the beach, having 'prepared' a lunch, although it was a sandwich from Barts that he had just rewrapped.

"A picnic?" June said, biting back her smile as she looked down at the checkered blanket. JJ nodded, his cheeks glowing red as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Now that I'm officially your boyfriend I guessed it was about time that I take you on a real date. Except I couldn't find anywhere that took like a reservation or whatever so I just made my own lunch. And it's ocean view. How great is that?" June took a step towards the flustered boy, pressing a kiss to his face before pinching his cheeks.

"You're so soft."

"I am not soft."

"Yes you are. It's okay, I don't judge you. It makes sense . I have that effect on people. Clearly." June joked, plopping down into the sand covered blanket, a bright smile on her lips. JJ let out a huff, knowing damn well that she was right but continuing to refuse. He sat down beside her, reaching for his own wrapped sandwich, quickly taking off the wrapper and taking a bite. June soon followed, the girl turning so that she was looking  out at the ocean, a smile on her lips as she bit into her favorite sandwich from Barts, her moms favorite restaurant. They both continued to eat in silence, June leaning her head on JJs shoulder  as they watched the waves crash.

"Do you know how to surf Carly?" JJ asked, genuine curiosity making him look down at her. He couldn't help but stop breathing for a moment as he looked down at her, contentment reaching the inner depths of his soul as she had her head laid on his shoulder, their legs crossed over each other, the two of them just intertwined with each other, like nothing bad had ever happened and they were normal.

"No. Are you gonna teach me?" June replied, turning her head and looking up at him. His eyes were just glued to her face, an awestruck look coming over his features as June looked at him in confusion. "What? Do I have something on my face?" She asked, reaching up and wiping her mouth off before looking down at her hand.

"I'm so in love with you. Like I think about you all the time and shit. It's crazy because I've had other girlfriends before but you—I don't know." JJ said, a blush coming over his face as he once again showed that vulnerable side that she loved so much. June could feel her own cheeks light up as his hand went to her cheek, the boy running his thumb over her lips before pressing a kiss to them.

"Oh're definitely a softy now." June giggled against his lips, JJ throwing his head back and letting out a humorless chuckle. June continued to laugh, pushing her way onto his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck, JJ putting his hands around her waist, pursing his lips as he bit back a smile at the sound of her laugh. "Now are you gonna teach me to surf or not?"

"How about when all this is over I'll take you out and give you some lessons. I gotta, JJ Maybank doesn't have girlfriends who can't surf. It's in the requirements." JJ quipped, June raising her eyebrows at his words. She nodded, a grin coming across her lips as she watched him nod back.

"Mm okay. What else is in these requirements?" June asked, taking a bite of her sandwich and then looking back at him.

"My JJ Maybank dating requirements. Well, being able to surf is one of them.  Um..." JJ looked at June, a smile crossing his lips as he got an idea. "You have to  have dark hair. Be super adorable. A  kook, obviously. I'm broke. Oh and you have to be named June March."

"Wow how'd you ever date before me? How many June Marchs do you know?" June joked,  laughing as JJ pressed a swift kiss to her jawline.

"Only one. Because you are the only one for me."

"Aha I see what you did there. That was cute, J." June said, looking back out at the ocean as JJ furrowed his eyebrows at her words.

"Do you have requirements?" JJ asked, fluttering his eyelashes as he looked at her. June nodded, swallowing a bite of her food before answering.

"Yeah. He has to have a fat ass." June said, immediately bursting into laughter at the way his face dropped. He pushed her off, the girl landing in the sand as she continued to laugh manically, JJ standing and hitting his elbow before jumping down on her.

"I'm convinced you're only with me because of my ass June. Really hurts my heart. Is all I am an object to you?" JJ asked, June squirming out form under him as he put all of his weight on her.

"Yes." She deadpanned, tackling him into the sand as he tried to stand again. He screamed, his hands going to cover his ass as she continued to laugh evilly, trying to pin him on the ground. He flipped them over, pinning the girl by her arms and letting her catch her breath.

"You're evil. Absolutely evil." JJ said, shaking his head down at her before giving her a short kiss.  They laid in the sand for a few moments, just enjoying each other's presence before he finally got up, reaching out a hand to her and pulling her up.

"As much fun as we're having...we need to head back." JJ said, watching as a frown covered her lips.  He put his arm around her waist, swearing to come back and get the blanket later, and also to not tell Kie that he left trash on the beach  to pick up later.

"Do you think Sarah ever came back?"


I don't know what the hell this chapter is  I'm so sorry .

Filler ofc, obviously because I'm #struggling!!!!!

Love you guys and thanks for 73k reads ❤️❤️ let me know how you're feeling!!

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Love you guys and thanks for 73k reads ❤️❤️ let me know how you're feeling!!

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